DBA > Job Interview Questions > DATABASE Administrator (DBA) Interview Questions and Answers

What other parts of your organization do you int

More DBA job interview questions and answers at http://dba.fyicenter.com/Interview-Questions/

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117. What other parts of your organization do you interact with and how?

Again, if you have exhausted question 1 and 2 you may never get to this question. But if you have been apprehensive to opening up and explaining yourself, take note that you may have an issue and the interviewer might also be already getting tired of the interview process. If you get to this question consider yourself in trouble. You really need to forget all your hang-ups and start explaining what it is that you like to do as a DBA, and why you want to work for this particular company. You are going to have to reel this interviewer back into the interview process or you might not get to the true technical question part of the interview.

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