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I need to convert my date, time, and timestamp c

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I need to convert my date, time, and timestamp column values into their separate components. What facilities does DB2 provide to allow me to do this?

A: DB2 provides a vast number of functions that can be applied to DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP columns to help you. Chances are you will find a function to help you with your task at hand, depending on your specific needs. Consider the following functions:

CHAR Converts a DB2 date, time, timestamp, ROWID, floating point, integer, or decimal value to a character value.
CONCAT Converts two strings into the concatenation of the two strings.
DATE Converts a value representing a date to a DB2 date. The value to be converted can be a DB2 timestamp, a DB2 date, a positive integer, or a character string.
DAY Returns the day portion of a DB2 date or timestamp.
DAYOFMONTH Similar to DAY except DAYOFMONTH can not accept a date duration or time duration as an argument.
DAYOFWEEK Converts a date, timestamp, or string representation of a date or timestamp into an integer that represents the day of the week. The value 1 represents Sunday, 2 Monday, 3 Tuesday, 4 Wednesday, 5 Thursday, 6 Friday, and 7 Saturday.
DAYOFYEAR Converts a date, timestamp, or string representation of a date or timestamp into an integer that represents the day within the year. The value 1 represents January 1st, 2 January 2nd, and so on.
DAYS Converts a DB2 date or timestamp into an integer value representing one more than the number of days since January 1, 0001.
HOUR Returns the hour portion of a time, a timestamp, or a duration.
JULIAN_DAY Converts a DB2 date or timestamp, or character representation of a date or timestamp, into an integer value representing the number of days from January 1, 4712 BC to the date specified in the argument.
LTRIM Removes the leading blanks from a character string.
MICROSECOND Returns the microsecond component of a timestamp or the character representation of a timestamp.
MIDNIGHT_SECONDS Returns the number of seconds since midnight for the specified argument which must be a time, timestamp, or character representation of a time or timestamp.
MINUTE Returns the minute portion of a time, a timestamp, a character representation of a time or timestamp, or a duration.
MONTH Returns the month portion of a date, a timestamp, a character representation of a date or timestamp, or a duration.
QUARTER Converts a date, timestamp, or string representation of a date or timestamp into an integer that represents the quarter within the year. The value 1 represents first quarter, 2 second quarter, 3 third quarter, and 4 fourth quarter.
RTRIM Removes the trailing blanks from a character string.
SECOND Returns the seconds portion of a time, a timestamp, a character representation of a time or timestamp, or a duration.
STRIP Removes leading, trailing, or both leading and trailing blanks (or any specific character) from a string expression.
TAN Returns the tangent of the argument as an angle expressed in radians.
TIME Converts a value representing a valid time to a DB2 time. The value to be converted can be a DB2 timestamp, a DB2 time, or a character string.
TIMESTAMP Obtains a timestamp from another timestamp, a valid character-string representation of a timestamp, or a combination of date and time values.
WEEK Converts a date, timestamp, or string representation of a date or timestamp into an integer that represents the week within the year (with Sunday as the first day of the week). The value 1 represents the first week of the year, 2 the second week, and so on.
WEEK_ISO Converts a date, timestamp, or string representation of a date or timestamp into an integer that represents the week within the year (with Monday as the first day of the week).
YEAR Returns the year portion of a date, a timestamp, or a duration.

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