DBA > Job Interview Questions > DERBY Java Database FAQs

Encrypting Databases on Creation

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Encrypting Databases on Creation

Derby allows you to configure a database for encryption when you create it. To do so, you specify dataEncryption=true on the connection URL.

The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) determines the default encryption provider, as follows:
* For J2SE/J2EE 1.4 or higher, the JRE's provider is the default.
* For an IBM Corp J2SE/J2EE 1.3 JRE, the default provider is com.ibm.crypto.provider.
* For a Sun Microsystem J2SE/J2EE 1.3 JRE, the default provider is com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE.
* For any other J2SE/J2EE 1.3 JRE, a provider must be specified.

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