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(Continued from previous question...)
How do you learn new things?
When new versions of database servers come out, how do you prefer to learn how to use ‘em?
Ideally, We want to hear a DBA say they build their own server under the desk when the beta comes out, and start hammering it and getting their arms around it long before it gets released. Not everybody has that much time, though – they might be stretched to the breaking point at their current job, with barely enough time to get their work done, let alone train on new versions. In that case, We like to level-set them by saying, “You’re coming to work here because we’re not that kind of shop. We want you to keep your knowledge current. How much time per month do you need to keep current, and how would you do it?”
Some DBAs learn best by going to offsite training classes, and can’t budget their time well enough or maintain a train of thought to learn inside the office. As a manager, you want to know that before you hire the person, so you can build that training budget into their salary.
(Continued on next question...)