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MS SQL Server DBA Checklist - General - Replicat

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MS SQL Server DBA Checklist - General - Replication

-- Replication needs should be clearly defined before creating a replication topology. Successful replication can be difficult and requires much pre-planning.
-- Ideally, publishers, distributors, and subscribers should be on separate physical hardware.
-- Create, document, and test a backup and restore strategy. Restoring replicated databases can be complex and requires much planning and practice.
-- Script the replication topology as part of your disaster recovery plan so you can easily recreate your replication topology if needed.
-- Use default replication settings, unless you can ensure that a non-default setting will actually improve replication performance or other issues. Be sure that you test all changes to ensure that they are as effective as you expect.
-- Fully understand the implications of adding or dropping articles, changing publication properties, and changing schema on published databases, before making any of these changes.
-- Periodically, validate data between publishers and subscribers.
-- Regularly monitor replication processes and jobs to ensure they are working.
-- Regularly monitor replication performance, and performance tune as necessary.
-- Add alerts to all replication jobs so you are notified of any job failures.

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