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How many rows are returned by these two select s

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(Continued from previous question...)

How many rows are returned by these two select statements?

insert mytable select ''
insert mytable select ' '
select * from mytable where mychar = ''
select * from mytable where mychar = ' '

How many rows are returned by these two select statements?

2 and 2

Each select statement actually returns 2 rows. You can use this script to check this:

create table mytable
( id int identity(1,1)
  , mychar varchar(20)
insert mytable select null
insert mytable select ''
insert mytable select ' '
set ansi_nulls on
set ansi_null_dflt_on on
select * from mytable
 where mychar is not null
select * from mytable
 where mychar <> '' and mychar is not null
select * from mytable
 where mychar <> ' ' and mychar is not null
select * from mytable where mychar = ''
select * from mytable where mychar = ' '
set ansi_null_dflt_on off
set ansi_nulls off
drop table mytable

(Continued on next question...)

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