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How can I execute dynamic SQL with ASE in Sybase

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How can I execute dynamic SQL with ASE in Sybase?

Adaptive Server Enterprise: System 12

ASE 12 supports dynamic SQL, allowing the following:

declare @sqlstring varchar(255)
select @sqlstring = "select count(*) from master..sysobjects"
exec (@sqlstring)

Adaptive Server Enterprise: 11.5 and 11.9

* Firstly define your local server to be a remote server using
sp_addserver LOCALSRV,sql_server[,INTERFACENAME]

* Enable CIS
sp_configure "enable cis",1

* Finally, use sp_remotesql, sending the sql to the server defined in point 1.
declare @sqlstring varchar(255)
select @sqlstring = "select count(*) from master..sysobjects"
sp_remotesql LOCALSRV,@sqlstring

Remember to ensure that all of the databases referred to in the SQL string are fully qualified since the call to sp_remotesql places you back in your default database.

Dynamic Stored Procedure Execution
With System 10, Sybase introduced the ability to execute a stored procedure dynamically.
declare @sqlstring varchar(255)
select @sqlstring = "sp_who"
exec @sqlstring

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