DBA > Job Interview Questions > Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Interview Questions

Fill in the blanks

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Fill in the blanks

1. A logical record is a unit of information used to store data in a VSAM data set.
2. A CI is a unit of information that VSAM transfers between virtual storage and disk storage.
3. the minimum size of a CI is 512 bytes.
4. 512 bytes is the minimum size of a CI
5. The maximum size of a CI is 32K
6. A CI consists of Logical Records, Free Space and Contral Information.
7. A Control interval Definition Field (CIDF) is of 4 Bytes long.
8. A Record Definition Field (RDF) is of 3 Bytes long
9. In a CI if two or more adjacent records have the same length, only two RDF's are used. 10. The minimum size of a CA is 1 track.
11. 1 track is the minimum size of a CA.
12. The maximum size of a CA is 1 cylinder
13. 1 cylinder is the MAXIMUM size of a CA
14. LDS is VSAM data set with a CI size of 4096Bytes.
15. LDS has no imbedded control information in its CI.
16. LDS has only a data component.
17. LDS cannot have an alternate index.
18. RRDS consists of a number of preformatted fixed-length slots.
19. RRDS has only a data component.
20. For an RRDS the relative record number is used as a search argument.
21. RRDS supports only fixed length records
22. ESDS has only a data component.
23. Spanned records must be accessed in MOVE mode. 24. Alternate Index is a special type of KSDS. ,br> 25. the Master Catalog (MCAT) is identified at IPL.
26. the Master Catalog (MCAT) contains pointer to system data sets and user catalogs.
27. VTOC (volume of Table Of Contents ) describes the type and location of data sets on the volume.
28. VTOC (volume of Table Of Contents ) is a data set created at volume initialization. 29. JOBCAT identifies a default catalog for a entire job.
30. STEPCAT identifies a default catalog for a single job step.
31. the two types of AMS commands are functional commands and modal commands.
32. INDEXD is the default cluster type.
33. 4089 is the default maximum record length.
34. One cluster can have a maximum of 123 extents for all volumer together.
35. Record Size cannot be coded for LDS.
36. INDEX information appears on a LISTCAT listing for KSDS.
37. A Data Class is a description of data set characteristics under control of SMS.
38. JCL parameters override the specifications from a Data Class.
39. The names and contents of the Data Classes can be displayed through ISMF.
40. REPRO provides an easy to use copy utility.
41. REPRO copies or mergers an alternate index as a KSDS.
42. REPRO converts a sequential or indexed-sequential data set nto a VSAM data set. 44. The default print format for output is DUMP.
45. If a KSDS cluster with name BMDUSER, KSDS1 is created, the default data component name would be BMDUSER,KSDS1.DATA.
46. ALTER modifies the cataloged attributes of a VSAM data set.
47. ALTER can be used to change an ESDS into an LDS.
48. An LDS cannot be changed to any oter VSAM data set format.
49. IMBED and REPLICATE options are applicable to KSDS cluster.
50. Parameters specified in the JCL override the appropriate parameters specified in the Data Class.
51. VSAM clusters can be accessed in Sequential, Direct and Skip sequential.
52. VSAM data can be processed by Logical Record or by Control Interval access.
53. After software-end-of-file is written, the file is in Recovery mode.
54. VERIFY cannot be used for an EMPTY DATAset or an LDS.
55. Password verification is done during OPEN processing.
56. Strings allow concurrent positioning within a data set. ()
57. The minimum buffer space for a cluster is STRNO index buffers and STRNO+1 data buffers.
58. the default buffer space for a cluster is STRNO index buffers and STRNO+1 data buffers.
59. Sequential processing is overlapped when at least STRNO+3 data buffers are allocated.
60. For Sequential processing, larger data CI size are desirable.
61, For Random or Direct processing, smaller data CIs are desirable.
62. Free Space is used to reduce the number of CI and CA splits.
63. ICI access cannot be used to Load or Extend a data set.
64. Space allocations made in RECORDs are converted to TRKS by VSAM. ()
65. Key compression applies to the Index component.
66. An alternate index cannot be defined for an RRDS or LDS.
67. Each AIX data record contains System Header Information. the Alternate ey, Pointer to the data set.
68. A Path Path provides a way to gain access to the base data through its AIX.
69. Base Cluster must not be empty for BLDINDEX.
70. Length of the alternate keys must not exceed 255
71, Records larger than 32760 cause REPRO to terminate.
72. When exporting a data set, we specify TEMPORARY to preserve the original data set.

(Continued on next question...)

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