DBA > Job Interview Questions > Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Interview Questions

Syntax of AMS modal commands ?

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(Continued from previous question...)

Syntax of AMS modal commands ?

Note; these can be used only under IDCAMS and not from the TSO prompt.
IF LASTCC (or MAXCC) > (or <,=etc...) value -
command set (such as DELETE, DEFINE etc...)
DO -
command set

LASTCC - Condition code from the last function (such as delete ) executed
MAXCC - Max condition code that was returned by any of the prev functions

SET is also a valid AMS command. SET LASTCC (or MAXCC )= value
The maximum condition code is 16. A condition code of 4 indicates a warning. A condition code of 8 is usually encountered on a DELETE of a dataset that is not present.

(Continued on next question...)

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