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WHAT EXACTLY IS A DBA? - Database Security and A

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WHAT EXACTLY IS A DBA? - Database Security and Authorization

Database Security and Authorization

Once the database is designed and implemented, programmers and users will need to access and modify the data. However, to prevent security breaches and improper data modification, only authorized programmers and users should have access. It is the responsibility of the DBA to ensure that data is available only to authorized users.

Typically, the DBA works with the internal security features of the DBMS in the form of SQL GRANT and REVOKE statements, as well as with any group-authorization features of the DBMS. Security must be administered for many actions required by the database environment:
* Creating database objects, including databases, tables, views, and program structures
* Altering the structure of database objects
* Accessing the system catalog
* Reading and modifying data in tables
* Creating and accessing user-defined functions and data types
* Running stored procedures
* Starting and stopping databases and associated database objects
* Setting and modifying DBMS parameters and specifications
* Running database utilities such as LOAD, RECOVER, and REORG

Database security can be enforced in other ways as well. For example, views can be created that block access to sensitive data by end users and programmers. In addition, the DBA interfaces frequently with external security methods when they impact database security. In short, the DBA must understand and be capable of implementing any aspect of security that impacts access to databases.

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