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Falcon storage engine in depth

By: Yoshinori Matsunobu
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MySQL/Sun released a new storage engine "Falcon" in January, 2007. Falcon is a high performance transactional (fully compliant with ACID) storage engine, which is beta at this time (June 2008). In this article, I describe Falcon's features and its architecture in detail.

Falcon overview
Falcon was originally created by Jim Starkey who was inventor of MVCC, Blob's, Interbase, major Firebird contributor and his wife Ann Harrison.

The most basic feature covered by Falcon is transactions. Falcon supports commit/rollback, row-level concurrency through MVCC, non-blocking read and crash recovery. These are fundamental features for most enterprise applications.

In MySQL 5.0 and 5.1, the InnoDB and NDB (MySQL Cluster) engines support transactions. NDB is used for applications that want to easily achieve both high availability (99.999%: 5minutes downtime/year) and high performance (over 10 thousands TPS) easily. InnoDB is mainly adopted by single MySQL server or master/slave replication environment, like MyISAM. Falcon primarily targets the same use cases as InnoDB. That's why Falcon is expected to be an alternative to InnoDB. By using Heartbeat (or other clustering software) and DRBD/SAN, InnoDB or Falcon can achieve 99.99% level availability. If you want to achieve 99.999%, we usually recommend NDB (Note that NDB is not a drop-in replacement for InnoDB/Falcon. Use cases are different).

Falcon's internal architecture is quite different from InnoDB and some features are covered only with InnoDB. So please do not regard Falcon as a drop-in replacement for InnoDB (however, many of features do overlap). For example, the following features are covered with InnoDB, but not covered with Falcon.

Falcon doesn't use Clustered Index

Falcon doesn't use clustered index architecture. Clustered index has both pros and cons against general B+Tree index, mainly from a performance perspective.

Falcon does not support Read Uncommitted isolation level

Read Uncommitted, sometimes referred to as "dirty" reads, is not needed for most situations. Falcon does not support Statement based replication

Starting from MySQL 5.1, both statement based and row based replication are supported for binary logging. Falcon supports only row based replication. This is to guarantee consistent result between binary log and data files.

Online backup will be supported by Falcon GA, but server-enforced referential integrity will not be exposed until MySQL 6.1. Falcon GA is planned to be released in MySQL 6.0.

Using Falcon
You can download MySQL binaries including Falcon from MySQL AB website. You can download Falcon source code, too.


The procedure of installation is the same as previous versions (5.1/5.0/4.1 or less). You can install by rpm , extracting tar.gz, or building from source.

To check that Falcon is installed, run the "SHOW ENGINES" statement. If there is an item of "Engine: Falcon" and "Support: YES", Falcon can be used.

(snip) *************************** 3. row ***************************
Engine: MyISAM
Support: YES
Comment: Default engine as of MySQL 3.23 with great performance
Transactions: NO
Savepoints: NO
*************************** 4. row ***************************
Engine: Falcon
Support: DEFAULT
Comment: Falcon storage engine
Transactions: YES
Savepoints: YES
*************************** 5. row ***************************
Support: YES
Comment: Collection of identical MyISAM tables
Transactions: NO
Savepoints: NO
*************************** 6. row ***************************
Engine: InnoDB
Support: YES
Comment: Supports transactions, row-level locking, and foreign keys
Transactions: YES
Savepoints: YES

To create a Falcon table, just add "ENGINE=Falcon" in CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement. This is the same with creating other types of tables.

*************************** 1. row ***************************
Table: tbl1
Create Table: CREATE TABLE 'tbl1' (
'value' varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,

When the ENGINE clause is omitted, it automatically becomes a Falcon table if "default-storage-engine=Falcon" is specified in the database configuration file my.cnf.

Transactions are also supported:

mysql> INSERT INTO tbl1 VALUES(null,'abc');
mysql> ROLLBACK;
mysql> SELECT * FROM tbl1;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

The result set is empty because the INSERT is rollbacked.

As you see, because Falcon is just one of the storage engines in MySQL, the SQL syntax is not different from other storage engines. You are likely much more interested in Falcon's internal architecture than in SQL syntax, so I will now delve into the following technical topics:

* Process/Thread and Memory model
* File structure
* Index and record retrieval
* Data type and space management
* Transaction

Process/Thread and Memory model

MySQL is a single-process (mysqld), multi-threaded RDBMS. Per each connection, mysqld allocates one dedicated thread. There are also some utility threads such as accepting connections (listener thread), and one accepting signals. Some storage engines have their own threads. Falcon has its own threads that are used for tasks such as running checkpoints and doing garbage collections. These threads run in the background. InnoDB also has similar threads.

To improve thread concurrency, Falcon does not use mutexes directly, but uses mutex-wrapper objects called "SyncObjects". SyncObjects enables read/write locking. So many threads can read shareable structures at the same time. This is a very important feature for multi-cpu core environment.

Falcon's memory structure is shown as Fig.1. Falcon has four major dedicated memory areas called Record Cache, Page Cache, Log Cache and System Cache.

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