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Derby property reference

<< Derby opens a connection | General Derby properties >>
Derby Reference Manual
Derby property reference
This section provides reference information on Derby properties. For information on using
these properties, see "Working with Derby properties" in the Derby Developer's Guide.
Scope of Derby properties
A property in Derby belongs to one or more of these scopes:
· system-wide
System-wide properties apply to an entire system, including all its databases and
tables if applicable.
· Set programmatically
System-wide properties set programmatically have precedence over
database-wide properties and system-wide properties set in the file.
· Set in the file
The file is an optional file that can be created to set properties
at the system level when the Derby driver is loaded. Derby looks for this file in
the directory defined by the derby.system.home property. Any property except
derby.system.home can be set by including it in the file.
· database-wide
A database-wide property is stored in a database and is valid for that specific
database only.
Note: Database-wide properties are stored in the database and are simpler and safer
for deployment. System-wide properties can be more practical during the development
For more information about scopes, precedence, and persistence, see "Properties
overview" in the Derby Developer's Guide.
Dynamic and static properties
Most properties are dynamic; that means you can set them while Derby is running, and
their values change without requiring a reboot of Derby. In some cases, this change
takes place immediately; in some cases, it takes place at the next connection.
Some properties are static, which means changes to their values will not take effect while
Derby is running. You must restart or set them before (or while) starting Derby.
Note: Properties set in the file and on the command line of the
application that boots Derby are always static, because Derby reads this file and those
parameters only at startup.
Only properties set in the following ways have the potential to be dynamic:
· As database-wide properties
· As system-wide properties via a Properties object in the application in which the
Derby engine is embedded
Derby properties