DBA > Jobs

US: Database Administrator (DBA)

Date: 12-Nov-2014
To see other DBA job opportunities, please visit http://dba.fyicenter.com/

Database Administrator (DBA) Skill Level 2


Maintains the integrity, security and availability of multiple database(s). Duties include disaster recovery, performance analysis and tuning, index maintenance, and monitoring of data. Administers, maintains, develops, and implements policies and procedures for ensuring the security and integrity of the database. Evaluates and recommends available database management system (DBMS) products. Performs database and software life-cycle activities to ensure highest level of system performance and availability and compliance with business requirements. Performs Oracle, SQL Server and SYBASE Database and Application server administration. Organizes and formats data for efficient query and storage processes.

Required Skills/Qualifications:

Maintain the integrity, security, and availability of database(s) Administer, maintain, and implement policies and procedures for ensuring the security and integrity of the database(s) Organize and format data for efficient query and storage processes Establish and maintain database user accounts Perform disaster recovery, performance analysis and tuning, index maintenance, and monitoring of data Develop policies and procedures for ensuring the security and integrity of the database(s) Evaluate requirements and recommends available DBMS products Perform database and software life-cycle activities to ensure highest level of system performance and availability Provide server administration with a variety of database products that include Oracle, SQL Server, and SYBASE Support data modeling activities by way of prototype database implementations Direct the monitoring, administrating, and implementing performance on database systems as well as database performance optimization, developing/changing database indices, redesigning database structure and reloading data into a database Coordinate database architecture changes with Database Engineer (DBE)s Direct the installation of database management systems, databases, tables and views Directs the administration and use of current and emerging database tools, strategies and technologies Direct the administration and use of current and emerging database tools, strategies and technologies

To apply for this position, please visit this Website.

Thank you,
DBA FYI Center