DBA > Jobs

US-Indiana-Crane: Database Administrator

Date: 14-Jan-2013
To see other DBA job opportunities, please visit http://dba.fyicenter.com/

Database Administrator

Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and at least 5 years of job-related experience or equivalent.

Excellent communications and analytical skills; demonstrated working knowledge of computer systems and integrated software application programs.

1. Provide direct customer interface to identify and support data base requirements.

2. Design modifications to current databases in support of changing requirements.

3. Supervise implementation of modifications to databases.

4. Supervise maintenance and update of databases.

5. Coordinate inputs/data in support of meeting contractual requirements.

6. Ensure general guidelines and technical standards are being met.

7. Establish and maintain a filing system of databases for tracking and inventory of database information.

8. Comply with database system operating standards and procedures.

9. Develop, process and submit database reports for technical presentations and meetings.

10. Provide informal training in implementing database programs based on user requirements

To apply for this position, please visit this Website.

Thank you,
DBA FYI Center