DBA > Jobs

US: Senior SQL Developer

Date: 27-Aug-2012
To see other DBA job opportunities, please visit http://dba.fyicenter.com/

Senior SQL Developer

There will be a large amount of reporting and integrating data with the obvious use of SSRS and SSIS to handle all the Sales and Marketing information along with the data that is already there.

The position requires excellent overall T- SQL development skills and very light DBA duties.

One will be surrounded by very technical people but the manager will be looking to this person to be the point as far as SQL development goes.

strong in PL/SQL and has a good SQL server experience they will fit in fine as long as they are willing to eventually be in a 100% SQL environment.

Bachelor's degree in CIS or Business or equivalent experience

To apply for this position, please visit this Website.

Thank you,
DBA FYI Center