DBA > Jobs

US-NC-Raleigh: Database Developer

Date: 27-Apr-2011
To see other DBA job opportunities, please visit http://dba.fyicenter.com/

Database Developer

Seeking a talented database developer with a passion for clean database design, efficient indices, and keeping databases running fast. The ideal candidate has experience with large, complex Microsoft SQL Server databases, both maintaining the schema and writing T-SQL stored procedures to efficiently enable access to the applications using the database.

Our database developer must be passionate about good design principles, but willing to compromise and negotiate with the development team to get things done. The ideal candidate is more of a database developer (writing T-SQL code) than a database administrator (managing backups, etc.), but experience with log shipping, backups, and the other daily aspects of database maintenance is a plus.

* Four-year college degree with a major in computer science, engineering, or a related field. * Three to ten years of T-SQL experience (preferably Microsoft SQL Server). * Excellent understanding of real-world database issues (performance problems, deadlocks, resource issues, I/O bottlenecks, etc.) * Demonstrable technical problem-solving and troubleshooting skills.

To apply for this position, please visit this Website.

Thank you,
DBA FYI Center