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How do you troubleshoot problems in your current

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How do you troubleshoot problems in your current role?

The ideal candidate will be able to clearly explain their thought process in how they troubleshoot something. Developers will most likely discuss with you some piece of code that worked well on one server but not on another. A Windows admin might talk about a service that stopped and would not restart no matter how many times they clicked on that little arrow. In either case, you want to identify someone who is articulate to a certain degree, can explain themselves, stand up for their decisions, and also be open to the possibility that there was more than one way to solve the problem at hand.

You need to know more about their thought process when it comes to solving problems. If their troubleshooting skills consist of “call the vendor for help”, that won’t suffice. You don’t want someone with all the answers (and such persons don’t exist anyway), you want someone that has a clear and defined thought process.

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