> Job Interview Questions
Are you a Database Administrator?
Need to update DBA technical knowledge or need to prepare for a job interview?
Check out this collection of JOB CONTROLL LANGUAGE (JCL) Interview Questions...
- What is a Generation Data Group (GDG)?
- How is a GDG base created ?
- What is model dataset label ( Model DSCB ) ?
- How are GDGs concatenated ?
- How is a new GDG coded?
- When should DISP = MOD is used?
- How is a dataset passed from one step to another?
- How are datasets concatenated?
- What is the difference between the JOBlIB and the STEPLIB statements?
- Name some of the JCL statements that are not allowed in procedures?
- What is primary allocation for a dataset?
- What is the difference between primary and secondary allocations for a dataset?
- How many extents are possible for a sequential file? For a VSAM file
- What does a disposition of ( NEW, CATLG, DELETE) mean ?
- What does a disposition of ( NEW, CATLG, KEEP) mean ?
- How do you access a file that had a disposition of KEEP ?
- MOD, DELETE: What does a disposition of (,DELETE ) mean ?
- What is the DD statement for a output file ?
- What do you do if you do not want to keep all the space allocated to a dataset ?
- What is DISP = (NEW, PASS, DELETE ?
- How do you create a temporary dataset ? Where will you use them
- How do you restart a PROC from a particular step
- How do you skip a partocular step a proc/ JOB?
- A PROC has five steps. STEP 3 has a condition code. How can you override/nullify this condition code?
- How do you override a specific DDNAME/SYSIN in PROC from a JCL?
- What is NOTCAT 2?
- What is S0C7 abend?
- What is S0C4 error
- What are SD37, SB37, SE37 abend ?
- What is S322 abend ?
- Why do you want to specify the REGION paramter in a JCL step?
- What does the TIME parameter signify ? What does TIME = 1440 mean ?
- What is COND = ONLY ?
- What is COND = EVEN ?
- How do you check the syntax of a JCL without running it ?
- What does IEBGENER do ?
- How do you send the output of a COBOL program to a memeber of a PDS ?
- I have multiple jobs ( JCLs with several JOB cards ) in a member. What happens if I submit it ?
- I have a COBOL program that Accepts some input data. How do you code the JCL statement for this (How do you code instream data in a JCL ?)
- Can you code instream data in a PROC ?
- How do you overcome this limitation?
- How do you run a COBOL batch program from a JCL ? How do you run a COBOL/DB2 program ?
- What is STEPLIB , JOBLIB ? What is it used for ?
- What is order of searching of the libraries in a JCL ?
- What happens if both JOBLIB and STEPLIB is specified?
- When you specify mutiple datasets in a JOBLIB or STEPLIB, what factor determines the order?
- How to change default PROCLIB?
- The disp in the JCL is MOD and the program opens the file in OUTPUT mode
- What are the valid DSORG values
- What are the differences between JES2 and JES3 ?
- What are the cause for S0C1,S0C4, S0C5, S0C5, S0CB abends?
- What are the kinds of job control statements?
- What is the meaning of keyword in JCL? What is its opposite ?
- Describe the JOB statement, its meaning, syntax and significant keywords?
- Describe the EXEC statement, its meaning, syntax and keywords?
- Describe the DD statement, its meaning, syntax and keywords?
- What is a PROC ? What is the difference between an instream and a catalogued PROC ?
- What is the difference between a symbolic and an override in executing a PROC?
- What is RESTART ? How is it invoked
- What is a GDG ? How is it referenced ? How is it defined ? What is a MODELDSCB
- Explain concatenating datasets
- What is the difference between specifying DISP = OLD and DISP = SHR for a dataset ?
- What is MOD and when would you use it ?
- What are the keywords associated with DCB ?
- How do you designate a comment in JCL?
- What is the meaning of the EXEC statement keyword, COND ? What is its syntaz
- What is the improvement to COND = in the latest version of MVS ?
- What is the purpose of the PARM keyword in the EXEC statement ?
- What is the purpose and meaning of the REGION keyword and what JCL statement is it associated with ?
- What is the purpose and meaning of the TIME keyword and what JCL statement is it associated with?
- What is the meaning of data definition name (ddname) and dataset name (dsname) in the DD statement?
- How is the keyword DUMMY used in JCL ?
- What does the keyword DCB mean and what are some of the keywords associated with it ?
- What is the difference between BLKSIZE and LRECL?
- Can you execute a PROC from another PROC?
- What will happen if you attempt to restart a job in the middle of a JCL
- How many positional parameters are there in Job statement?
- What are three parameters you can specify on Job statement as well as on exec statement?
- How can you trap abends in the JCL?
- How do you restart a step in JCL?
- How do you pass parameters to the program as the job is being executed?
- Why do you use a control card?
- How do you submit JCL via a COBOL program?
- How do you submit a JCL under CICS environment?
- What is the parameter to be passed in the job card for the unlimited time, irrespective of the job class?
- Definition of COND parameter in JCL?
- What is meant by S0C7 system abend code?
- How to pass the tamp dataset form one JOB step to another?
- What is a COND parameter in JCL?
- Write a JCL to execute a job by 7 a.m. on Jan 20, 1986?
- How many types of libraries are there in JCL?
- What you mean by include statement in JCL?
- The maximum number of in-stream procedure you can code in any JCL is?
- What you mean by skeleton JCL?
- How do you submit a JCL under CICS enviroment?
- What is JCL?
- What is the max blocksize for a Tape file?
- What are the basic JCL Statements for a job?
- What does the statements: typrun=scan and typrun = hold do in a JCL statement?
- Which is the most widely used batch performance monitor for DB2?
- What is QSAM error ususally when it is occurs?
- What is the purpose of include statement in a JCL?
- What does S0C4 error mean?
- In which table PLAN is registered in?
- What is GDG?
- What do you mean by spooling ? Expand SPOOL
- For how long a job can be executed continuously in a mainframe
- Maximum number of DD statements in Job
- How much space OS allocates when you create a PS or PDS ?
- Minimum number of members (PDS) in one directory block ?
- The maximum number of steps in a job?
- How much is memory space involved, when we code BLOCKSIZE,TRK and CYL?
- What is DSNDB06?
- What is the use of DSNDB07?
- What is DATACOM DB?
- What is a Dummy Utility and what it does?
- What 3 Guidelines do we have to follow when concatenating DD statements?
- On the DD statement, what is the main difference between creating a new sequential flat file and a partition dataset?
- What is the difference between IEBGENER, IEBCOPY and REPRO in IDCAMS utility?
- How do you submit JCL via a COBOL program?
- How to execute a set of JCL statement from a COBOL program?
- What is the difference between static call and Dynamic call?
- What is the difference between catalogue procedure and In - Stream procedure ?
- What do you feel makes a good program ?
- Can we browse or edit the GDG dataset if it is a tape entry?
- What are the maximum and minimum size of any CONTROL AREA (VSAM datasets?
- How to get cursor position from system in CICS environment?
- How many parameters are there to a DISP statement and what are their uses?
- What is the error code SOC01 indicate?
- What is a procedure?
- What is the difference between specifying DISP = OLD and DISP = SHR for a dataset ?
- What are the three basic types of statements in a jobstream ?
- What does SYSIN * indicate ?
- What are three major types of JCL statements ? What are their functions