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<< ResultSets and streaming columns | Mapping of java.sql.Types to SQL types >>

java.sql.ResultSetMetaData interface

<< ResultSets and streaming columns | Mapping of java.sql.Types to SQL types >>
Derby Reference Manual
java.sql.ResultSetMetaData interface
Derby does not track the source or updatability of columns in ResultSets, and so always
returns the constants shown for the methods listed in the following table.
Table 125.
Implementation notes on ResultSet methods
Method Name
java.sql.SQLException class
Derby supplies values for the getMessage(), getSQLState(), and getErrorCode() calls
of SQLExceptions. In addition, Derby sometimes returns multiple SQLExceptions using
the nextException chain. The first exception is always the most severe exception,
with SQL-92 Standard exceptions preceding those that are specific to Derby. For
information on processing SQLExceptions, see "Working with Derby SQLExceptions in
an application" in the Derby Developer's Guide.
java.sql.SQLWarning class
Derby can generate a warning in certain circumstances. A warning is generated if, for
example, you try to connect to a database with the create attribute set to true if the
database already exists. Aggregates like sum() also raise a warning if NULL values are
encountered during the evaluation.
All other informational messages are written to the Derby system's derby.log file.
java.sql.Savepoint interface
The Savepoint interface contains methods to set, release, or roll back a transaction to
designated savepoints. Once a savepoint has been set, the transaction can be rolled
back to that savepoint without affecting preceding work. Savepoints provide finer-grained
control of transactions by marking intermediate points within a transaction.
Derby does not support savepoints within a trigger.
Derby does not release locks as part of the rollback to savepoint.
For more information on using savepoints, see the Derby Developer's Guide.
Mapping of java.sql.Types to SQL types
In Derby, the java.sql.Types are mapped to SQL data types
The following table shows the mapping of java.sql.Types to SQL types.