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Microsoft SQL Server FAQs

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(Continued from previous part...)

What can tracer tokens measure in SQL Server 2005 transactional replication?

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Tracer tokens measure two things. One is the amount of time elapsed between a command being committed on the publisher and being written to the distribution database. The other is from the writing to the distribution database and being committed to a subscriber. This allows you to determine the latencies for transactions moving through your replication topology.

You want to script the execution of an Integration Services package from the command line for use from a Unix scheduler. What utility would you use?


The dtexec.exe utility is used to configure and execute Integration Services packages from the command line.

What does the sqlwb utility do?

Opens SQL Server 2005 Management Studio.
sqlwb.exe actually opens Management Studio and can be configured to optionally open a solution, project, or script file when it starts.

You want to automate the installation of SQL Server 2005 using SMO for your custom application and ensure that the encryption features are available with a service master key. What method would you call to create this key?

The Regenerate method under the ServiceMasterKey object.
To create a Service Master Key in SMO, you would get a handle to the ServiceMasterKey object under the Server object and then call the Regenerate method.

How can you determine which Service Broker ports are being used on your server?

Query the system catalog view: sys.conversation_endpoints
The system catalog view sys.conversation_endpoints will show you which Service Broker endpoints, and therefore ports, are open on your server.

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