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Microsoft SQL Server FAQs

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You are troubleshooting a Service Broker application and find that messages are remaining on the queue. You determine that there is no active queue monitor. What should you do?

Use the ALTER QUEUE statement to turn activation on.
One of the troubleshooting steps if messages remain in the queue is to check for an active queue monitor. If one is not on, then it needs to be activated. The ALTER QUEUE statement is used to change this.

You are implementing replication across the Internet for a large bank that wishes to move up to date pricing information to an analyst's laptop. They are concerned about spoofing of their main site by criminals. What can you do to secure the replication solution with SQL Server 2005?

Set the encryption level to verify the certificate is issued by a trusted authority.
Since you are asked to use replication, a replication solution is to use encryption for the connection and verify the certificate being used is from a trusted authority. Setting the encrpytion level to 2 will do this.

In SQL Server 2005, you are looking to implement full-text search. One of the tables you are looking to index stores Mircrosoft Word documents in a varbinary(max) column. Can you use Full-text search to index this column?

You can use full-text search for formatted data such as Word that contains text stored in a varbinary column.

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