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Java Technical Round Interview Questions and Ans

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Java Technical Round Interview Questions and Answers

What is the purpose of Garbage collector in Java?
What is the difference between final, finally and finalize?
Write a program to reverse a string without using the Java API?
What are volatile and transient variables?
How will you write a class which can be used as key in Hash based collections?
How will you create a connection pool for the database?
Which design pattern should be used to make the client unaware of object creation process?
What is the difference between Array and ArrayList?
What is the difference between HashMap and Hashtable?
What is the difference between Interface and Abstract class?
What are the various XML parsers available?
Is JDBC a concrete implementation of classes that interact with the database directly?
Why is String class immutable?
When will you consider using multi threading?
What are the methods used by you to find out the low performance of an application?
When will you consider using Comparable interface to Comparator interface?
How will you store make sure that objects are garbage collected so that you don't get OutOfMemoryError?

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