<< < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 > >>   ∑:351  Sort:Rank

SLEEP() - Holding Statement Execution
How to hold the statement execution for some time using the SLEEP() function? SLEEP(sec) is a MySQL built-in function that holds the execution of the current statement for sec seconds. For example: SELECT SYSDATE(), SLEEP(2), SYSDATE(); -- +---------------------+------- ---+---------------------+-- ...
2023-12-19, 568🔥, 0💬

NULLIF() - NULL on Equal Values
How to generate NULL with equal values using the NULLIF() function? NULLIF(val1, val2) is a MySQL built-in function that returns NULL if the first argument equals the second, the first argument otherwise. For example: SELECT NULLIF('yes', 'yes'), NULLIF('yes', 'no'); -- +----------------------+-----. ..
2023-12-19, 527🔥, 0💬

JSON_VALID() - Validating JSON Value
How to verify if value is a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) value using the JSON_VALID() function? JSON_VALID(val) is a MySQL built-in function that returns 1 if the given value is a valid JSON value. For example: SELECT JSON_VALID('hello'), JSON_VALID('"hello"'); -- +---------------------+------- ...
2023-12-17, 472🔥, 0💬

JSON_QUOTE() - Quoting JSON String
How to convert a regular character string into a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) string using the JSON_QUOTE() function? JSON_QUOTE(str) is a MySQL built-in function that converts a regular character string into a JSON string by quoting the string with double quotes. It replaces the double-quote c...
2023-12-10, 682🔥, 0💬

JSON_PRETTY() - Validating JSON Value
How to encode a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) value into a pretty-printing string using the JSON_PRETTY() function? JSON_PRETTY(json) is a MySQL built-in function that encodes a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) value into a pretty-printing string. For example: SELECT JSON_PRETTY('["a",1,{"key1"...
2023-12-10, 589🔥, 0💬

IS_UUID() - Validating UUID String Format
How to validate a UUID (Universal Unique IDentifier) string using the IS_UUID() function? IS_UUID(uuid) is a MySQL built-in function that validates a UUID (Universal Unique IDentifier) string. It only checks if the given UUID is a 32-digit hexadecimal string or not. For example: SELECT IS_UUID('447f...
2023-12-08, 590🔥, 0💬

UUID() - Generating UUID String
How to generate a UUID (Universal Unique IDentifier) string using the UUID() function? UUID() is a MySQL built-in function that returns a UUID (Universal Unique IDentifier) string. For example: SELECT UUID(), UUID(); -- +----------------------------- ---------+-------------------- ------------------+...
2023-12-08, 529🔥, 0💬

VAR_POP() - Population Standard Variance
How to calculate the population standard variance of a field expression in result set groups using the VAR_POP() function? VAR_POP(expr) is a MySQL built-in aggregate function that calculates the population standard variance of a field expression in result set groups. For example: SELECT help_catego...
2023-12-01, 548🔥, 0💬

SUM() - Total Value in Group
How to calculate the total value of a field expression in result set groups using the SUM() function? SUM(expr) is a MySQL built-in aggregate function that calculates the total value of a field expression in result set groups. For example: SELECT help_category_id, SUM(help_topic_id), COUNT(help_topi...
2023-12-01, 542🔥, 0💬

VARIANCE() - Synonym for VAR_POP()
What's the difference between VARIANCE() and VAR_POP() functions? VARIANCE(expr) is a synonym for the VAR_POP(expr) function. Related MySQL functions: VAR_POP() - Population Standard Variance   ⇒ Window Functions ⇐ VAR_SAMP() - Sample Standard Variance ⇑ MySQL Functions on Aggregation Groups ⇑⇑ My...
2023-12-01, 524🔥, 0💬

VAR_SAMP() - Sample Standard Variance
How to calculate the sample standard variance of a field expression in result set groups using the VAR_SAMP() function? VAR_SAMP(expr) is a MySQL built-in aggregate function that calculates the sample standard variance of a field expression in result set groups. For example: SELECT help_category_id,...
2023-12-01, 515🔥, 0💬

YEARWEEK() - Year Week Combination
How to calculate the year week combination from a given date using the YEARWEEK() function? YEARWEEK(date, mode) is a MySQL built-in function that calculates the year week combination from a given date. For example: SELECT YEARWEEK('2024-03-04'), WEEK('2024-03-04'); -- +------------------------+---- ...
2023-11-16, 522🔥, 0💬

TRUNCATE() - Truncating to Decimal Place
How to truncate a value to a given decimal place using the TRUNCATE() function? TRUNCATE(X, D) is a MySQL built-in function that truncates X to decimal place of D. For example: SELECT TRUNCATE(-1.58, 0), TRUNCATE(23.298, 1), TRUNCATE(23.298, -1); -- +--------------------+-------- -------------+------...
2023-11-14, 545🔥, 0💬

SQRT() - Square Root of X
How to calculate the square root of a given number using the SQRT() function? SQRT(X) is a MySQL built-in function that calculates the square root of a given number. For example: SELECT SQRT(2), SQRT(4), SQRT(8); -- +--------------------+-------- -+--------------------+-- | SQRT(2) | SQRT(4) | SQRT(...
2023-11-14, 530🔥, 0💬

TAN() - Tangent Trigonometric Value
How to calculate the tangent trigonometric value of a given angle using the TAN() function? TAN(X) is a MySQL built-in function that calculates the tangent trigonometric value of a given angle in radians. For example: SELECT TAN(0.1), TAN(1.57), TAN(3.14); -- +---------------------+------- ----------...
2023-11-14, 475🔥, 0💬

Calling MySQL Built-in Functions
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions about calling MySQL Built-in Functions? Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com team about calling MySQL Built-in Functions: Function Name Case Insensitive Function Argument Modifier Variable Number ...
2023-11-14, 506🔥, 0💬

UPPER() - Convert String to Upper Case
How to convert a string to upper case using the UPPER() function? UPPER(str) is a MySQL built-in function that converts all characters of a given into upper case characters. For example: SET @str = 'dba.FYIcenter.com'; SELECT UPPER(@str); -- +-------------------+ -- | UPPER(@str) | -- +-------------...
2023-11-13, 481🔥, 0💬

MySQL Functions on Character String Values
Where to find reference information and tutorials on MySQL database functions on string values? I want to know how to use SUBSTRING(), REPLACE() and other character string related functions. Here is a collection of reference information and tutorials on MySQL database functions on string values comp...
2023-11-10, 607🔥, 0💬

Updating Existing Rows in MySQL
How To Update Existing Rows in a Table in MySQL? Updating existing rows in a table requires to run the UPDATE statement with a WHERE clause to identify the row. The following sample script updates one row with two new values: &lt;?php include "mysql_connection.php"; $sql = "UPDATE fyi_links SET ...
2023-09-10, 1952🔥, 1💬

💬 2023-09-10 Pintu kumar: To update existing rows in a table in MySQL, you can use the UPDATE statement. Here's a general syntax for updating rows in MySQ...

Breaking Query Output into Pages in MySQL
How To Break Query Output into Pages in MySQL? If you have a query that returns hundreds of rows, and you don't want to present all of them to your users on a single page. You can break output into multiple pages, and only present 10 rows per page like what Google Website is doing. To do this, you n...
2022-10-01, 15189🔥, 1💬

💬 2022-10-01 David: MySQL is the best!

Introduction to Date and Time Handling in MySQL
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions on Introduction to Date and Time Handling in MySQL? Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com DBA team on Introduction to Date and Time Handling in MySQL. Clear answers are provided with tutorial exerc...
2021-08-04, 2922🔥, 2💬

💬 2021-03-13 Strain John: Hey, u gave us good information. It is easy to understand for everyone and also having good content. I appreciated your afforts ...

Changing Your Own Password in MySQL
How To Change the Password for Your Own User Account in MySQL? If you want to change the password of your own user account, you should use your user account connect to the server "mysql" first. You should then use the "SET PASSWORD ..." command to change the password of the current user account. The...
2021-02-10, 7772🔥, 1💬

Starting MySQL Server in MySQL
How To Start MySQL Server in MySQL? If you want to start the MySQL server, you can run the "mysqld" program in a command window as shown in the following tutorial: &gt;cd \mysql\bin &gt;mysqld "mysqld" will run quietly without printing any message in you command window. So you will see nothi...
2018-06-12, 7017🔥, 0💬

MySQL Server Features in MySQL
What Is MySQL in MySQL? MySQL is an open source database management system developed by MySQL AB, http://www.mysql.com. MySQL has the following main features: Works on many different platforms. APIs for C, C++, Eiffel, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Tcl are available. Fully multi-threaded using ...
2018-06-12, 1909🔥, 0💬

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