SQL Server Database Tutorials
Where to find SQL Server database server tutorials?
Here is a collection of tutorials, tips and FAQs for SQL Server DBA and SQL Server database application developers. Clear explanations and sample scripts provided can be used as learning tutorials or interview preparation guides.
It doesn't matter whether you are a beginner or an experienced SQL Server DBA or developer, browse through our SQL Server DBA FAQ and tips. They will always help you to improve your skills and find some good ideas to solve problems in your daily tasks.
So far, Our SQL Server team have written over 200 questions and answers to share with you. Each one of them answers one commonly asked SQL Server question with a short, but precise and simple example.
Downloading and Installing SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
What Is Microsoft SQL Server in SQL Server
Downloading SQL Server 2005 Express Edition in SQL Server
System Requirements for SQL Server 2005 Express Edition in SQL Server
Missing .NET Framework 2.0 for SQL Server 2005 Express Edition in SQL Server
Downloading and Installing Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 in SQL Server
mscorsvw.exe - Process - Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN in SQL Server
Installing SQL Server 2005 Express Edition in SQL Server
Verifying SQL Server Running Status in SQL Server
sqlservr.exe - Process - SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) in SQL Server
Downloading and Installing SQL Server Management Studio Express in SQL Server
Connecting SQL Server Management Studio Express To a SQL Server in SQL Server
Running Queries with SQL Server Management Studio Express in SQL Server
Running Queries with 'sqlcmd' Tool in SQL Server
GO - Sending a Statement Batch from "sqlcmd" in SQL Server
Downloading and Installing SQL Server 2005 Books Online in SQL Server
Running SQL Server 2005 Books Online on Your Local System in SQL Server
Installing Sample Scripts and Databases in SQL Server
Sample Databases Are Provided by Microsoft in SQL Server
Downloading and Installing SQL Server Sample Scripts in SQL Server
AdventureWorksLT - Downloading and Installing the Sample Database in SQL Server
Attaching AdventureWorksLT Physical Files to the Server in SQL Server
Getting Started with Transact-SQL Statements in SQL Server
"CREATE DATABASE" Statement - Creating New Databases in SQL Server
"CREATE TABLE" Statement - Creating New Tables in SQL Server
"INSERT" and "UPDATE" Statements - Inserting and Updating Data In Tables in SQL Server
"SELECT" Statements - Reading the Data In a Table in SQL Server
"CREATE LOGIN" Statements - Creating a Login in SQL Server
"CREATE USER" Statements - Creating a User in SQL Server
"CREATE VIEW/PROCEDURE" Statements - Creating a View and a Stored Procedure in SQL Server
"GRANT EXECUTE" Statements - Granting EXECUTE permission in SQL Server
Managing Databases and Physical Files in SQL Server
What Is a Database in SQL Server
Simplest Way To Create New Databases in SQL Server
"USE" - Setting the Current Database in SQL Server
"DROP DATABASE" - Deleting Databases in SQL Server
Database in Use When Dropping a Database in SQL Server
Getting a List of All Databases on the Server in SQL Server
Location of Database Files in SQL Server
Creating Databases with Specified Physical Files in SQL Server
Renaming Database Names in SQL Server
Database in Use When Renaming a Database in SQL Server
ONLINE/OFFLINE - Database States in SQL Server
OFFLINE - Taking a database offline in SQL Server
Moving Database Physical Files to New Locations in SQL Server
READ_ONLY/READ_WRITE - Database Update Options in SQL Server
SINGLE_USER/MULTI_USER - Database User Access Options in SQL Server
Managing Tables and Columns in SQL Server
DDL (Data Definition Language) Statements for Tables? in SQL Server
CREATE TABLE - Creating New Tables in SQL Server
"sys.tables" - Getting a List of All Tables in SQL Server
"sys.columns" - Getting a List of Columns in a Table in SQL Server
"sp_columns" - Getting a List of Columns in a Table in SQL Server
"sp_help" - Getting a List of Columns in a Table in SQL Server
Generating CREATE TABLE Script on Existing Tables in SQL Server
"SELECT ... INTO" - Creating New Tables With Queries in SQL Server
"ALTER TABLE ... ADD" - Adding New Columns to Existing Tables in SQL Server
"ALTER TABLE ... DROP COLUMN" - Deleting Existing Columns in SQL Server
"sp_rename ... 'COLUMN'" - Renaming an Existing Column in SQL Server
Renaming an Existing Column with Management Studio in SQL Server
"ALTER TABLE ... ALTER COLUMN" - Changing Column Data Type in SQL Server
"sp_rename ... 'OBJECT'" - Renaming Existing Tables in SQL Server
Understanding and Managing Indexes in SQL Server
What Are Indexes in SQL Server
CREATE INDEX - Adding an Index on an Existing Table in SQL Server
SP_HELP - Viewing Existing Indexes on an Given Table in SQL Server
sys.indexes - Viewing Existing Indexes on an Given Table in SQL Server
DROP INDEX - Removing Existing Indexes in SQL Server
Primary Key - Default Indexes of Tables in SQL Server
UNIQUE Constraint Creating Default Index in SQL Server
Difference Between Clustered and Non-Clustered Indexes in SQL Server
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX - Adding Clustered Indexes in SQL Server
Creating an Index for Multiple Columns in SQL Server
Creating a Large Table with Random Data for Indexes in SQL Server
Measuring Performance of INSERT Statements in SQL Server
Index Slowing Down INSERT Statements in SQL Server
Index Speeding Up SELECT Statements in SQL Server
Adding a New Index to a Large Table in SQL Server
CREATE INDEX - Impact on Other User Sessions in SQL Server
What Is Index Fragmentation in SQL Server
What Causes Index Fragmentation in SQL Server
Defragmenting Table Indexes in SQL Server
"ALTER INDEX ... REORGANIZE" - Defragmenting Indexes in SQL Server
"ALTER INDEX ... REBUILD" - Defragmenting Indexes in SQL Server
Understanding and Managing Views in SQL Server
CREATE VIEW - Creating a View on an Existing Table in SQL Server
sys.views - List of Existing Views in SQL Server
DROP VIEW - Deleting Existing Views in SQL Server
"sys.columns" - Getting a List of Columns in a View in SQL Server
"sp_columns" - Getting a List of Columns in a View in SQL Server
"sp_help" - Getting a List of Columns in a View in SQL Server
Generating CREATE VIEW Scripts on Existing Views in SQL Server
sys.sql_modules - Getting View Definitions Back in SQL Server
Creating a View with Data from Multiple Tables in SQL Server
Creating a View with Data from Another View in SQL Server
Deleting a Table That Is Used by a View in SQL Server
Using ORDER BY to Define a View in SQL Server
ALTER VIEW - Modifying Existing Views in SQL Server
Inserting Data into a View in SQL Server
Updating Data in a View in SQL Server
Deleting Data from a View in SQL Server
Assigning New Column Names in a View in SQL Server
Determining Data Types of View Columns in SQL Server
SCHEMABINDING - Binding Views to Underlying Tables in SQL Server
Using INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE Statements in SQL Server
DML (Data Manipulation Language_Statements in SQL Server
Testing Table for DML Statements in SQL Server
"INSERT INTO" - Inserting a New Row into a Table in SQL Server
DEFAULT - Using Column Default Values in INSERT Statements in SQL Server
Providing Column Names in INSERT Statements in SQL Server
Duplicate Key Error on Primary Key Columns in SQL Server
Inserting Multiple Rows with One INSERT Statement in SQL Server
Updating Values with UPDATE Statements in SQL Server
Updating Multiple Rows with One UPDATE Statement in SQL Server
Using Old Values to Define New Values in UPDATE Statements in SQL Server
Importance of Column Order in the SET Clause in Update Statements in SQL Server
Using Values from Other Tables in UPDATE Statements in SQL Server
UPDATE Subquery Returning No Rows in SQL Server
UPDATE Subquery Returning Multiple Rows in SQL Server
Deleting an Existing Row with DELETE Statements in SQL Server
Deleting Multiple Rows with One DELETE Statement in SQL Server
Deleting All Rows with DELETE Statements in SQL Server
Deleting All Rows with TRUNCATE TABLE Statement in SQL Server
Using SELECT Statements with Joins and Subqueries in SQL Server
Joining Two Tables in a Single Query in SQL Server
"INNER JOIN ... ON" - Writing Queries with Inner Joins in SQL Server
Defining and Using Table Alias Names in SQL Server
"LEFT OUTER JOIN ... ON" - Writing Queries with Left Outer Joins in SQL Server
"RIGHT OUTER JOIN ... ON" - Writing Queries with Right Outer Joins in SQL Server
"FULL OUTER JOIN ... ON" - Writing Queries with Full Outer Joins in SQL Server
Writing Inner Joins with the WHERE Clause in SQL Server
"AS" - Naming Query Output Columns in SQL Server
What Is a Subquery in a SELECT Query Statement in SQL Server
Using Subqueries with the IN Operators in SQL Server
Using Subqueries with the EXISTS Operators in SQL Server
Using Subqueries in the FROM Clause in SQL Server
Counting Groups Returned with the GROUP BY Clause in SQL Server
"TOP" - Return the Top 5 Rows from a SELECT Query in SQL Server
Returning the Second 5 Rows from a Query in SQL Server
UNION - Merging Outputs from Two Queries Together in SQL Server
Using SELECT Statements and GROUP BY Clauses in SQL Server
What Is a SELECT Query Statement in SQL Server
Testing Table for SELECT Statements in SQL Server
Selecting All Columns of All Rows from a Table in SQL Server
Selecting Some Specific Columns from a Table in SQL Server
Selecting Some Specific Rows from a Table in SQL Server
Adding More Test Data for Query Statements in SQL Server
Sorting Query Output with ORDER BY Clauses in SQL Server
Sorting Query Output by Multiple Columns in SQL Server
Sorting Query Output in Descending Order in SQL Server
Counting Rows with the COUNT(*) Function in SQL Server
Using SELECT Statements on Views in SQL Server
Filtering Out Duplications in the Returning Rows in SQL Server
Group Functions in Query Statements in SQL Server
Using Group Functions in the SELECT Clause in SQL Server
Mixing Group Functions with Non-group Selection Fields in SQL Server
"GROUP BY" - Dividing Query Output into Multiple Groups in SQL Server
HAVING - Apply Filtering Criteria at Group Level in SQL Server
How To Count Duplicated Values in a Column? in SQL Server
Creating and Managing Triggers in SQL Server
What Are Triggers in SQL Server
Basic Features of a Trigger in SQL Server
Creating a Simple Table to Test Triggers in SQL Server
"CREATE TRIGGER" - Creating a DML Trigger in SQL Server
Testing DML Triggers in SQL Server
sys.triggers - Listing All Triggers in the Database in SQL Server
"ALTER TRIGGER" - Modifying Existing Triggers in SQL Server
"DROP TRIGGER" - Deleting Existing Triggers in SQL Server
sys.sql_modules - Getting Trigger Definitions Back in SQL Server
"DISABLE TRIGGER" - Disabling Triggers in SQL Server
Creating Triggers for INSERT Statements Only in SQL Server
sys.trigger_events - Event List of an Existing Trigger in SQL Server
"INSERTED" - New Record of an DML Event Instance in SQL Server
"DELETED" - Old Record of an DML Event Instance in SQL Server
Improving the Trigger to Handle NULL Values in SQL Server
Triggers with Multiple Affected Rows in SQL Server
"INSTEAD OF" - Overriding DML Statements with Triggers in SQL Server
"CREATE TRIGGER" - Creating a DDL Trigger in SQL Server
Creating and Managing Schemas in SQL Server
What Is a Schema in SQL Server 2005 in SQL Server
"CREATE SCHEMA" - Creating a New Schema in a Database in SQL Server
sys.schemas - Listing All Schemas in a Database in SQL Server
Creating a New Table in a Given Schema in SQL Server
Transferring Tables from One Schema to Another in SQL Server
"sys.objects" - Listing All Objects in a Given Schema in SQL Server
Default Schema of Your Login Session in SQL Server
Who Is the Owner of a Schema in SQL Server
"ALTER AUTHORIZATION" - Changing the Ownership of a Schema in SQL Server
Managing Security, Login and User in SQL Server
Security Model Used in SQL Server 2005 in SQL Server
Security Principals Used in SQL Server 2005 in SQL Server
Suser_Sname() - Sever Level Security Principal of Your Session in SQL Server
User_Name() - Database Level Security Principal of Your Session in SQL Server
"CREATE LOGIN" - Creating a New Login Name in SQL Server
Verifying a Login Name with SQLCMD Tool in SQL Server
sys.server_principals - Listing All Login Names in SQL Server
"ALTER LOGIN" - Changing the Password of a Login Name in SQL Server
"ALTER LOGIN" - Changing a Login Name in SQL Server
"ALTER LOGIN" - Disabling a Login Name in SQL Server
"DROP LOGIN" - Deleting a Login Name in SQL Server
"CREATE USER" - Creating a User Name in a Database in SQL Server
sys.database_principals - Listing All User Names in SQL Server
Finding the Login Name Linked to a Given User Name in SQL Server
Verifying a User Name with SQLCMD Tool in SQL Server
"ALTER USER" - Changing the Name of a Database User in SQL Server
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