"TOP" - Return the Top 5 Rows from a SELECT Query in SQL Server


How To Return the Top 5 Rows from a SELECT Query in SQL Server?

✍: FYIcenter.com


If you want the query to return only the first 5 rows, you can use the "TOP 5" clause. The TOP clause takes one parameter to indicate how many top rows to return. The following statements returns the first 5 rows and 3 rows from the fyi_links:

SELECT TOP 5 id, url, counts, tag FROM fyi_links 
   ORDER BY counts DESC
id      url                     counts  tag
102     dba.fyicenter.com       972     DBA
105     www.oracle.com          960     DBA
107     www.winrunner.com       828     SQA
103     sqa.fyicenter.com       728     SQA
106     www.php.net             439     DEV

SELECT TOP 3 id, url, counts, tag FROM fyi_links 
   ORDER BY counts DESC
id      url                     counts  tag
102     dba.fyicenter.com       972     DBA
105     www.oracle.com          960     DBA
107     www.winrunner.com       828     SQA


Returning the Second 5 Rows from a Query in SQL Server

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Using SELECT Statements with Joins and Subqueries in SQL Server

⇑⇑ SQL Server Database Tutorials

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