1 2 3 4 5 6 > >>   ∑:499  Sort:Rank

Enabling TCP/IP Protocol on a SQL Server
How To Enable TCP/IP Protocol on a SQL Server? By default, the TCP/IP protocol is turned off when a SQL Server is installed to reduce security risk. But if you want applications to connect and access the SQL Server, you need to enable the TCP/IP protocol on the server by following this tutorial: 1. ...
2024-07-25, 1319🔥, 0💬

Configuring and Testing ODBC DSN Settings
How To Configure and Test ODBC DSN Settings? Continue from the previous tutorial. Click Next after you have finished changing the port number. The ODBC Data Source Administrator will try to connect to the SQL server through the specified port number and login information. If the connection is succes...
2024-07-25, 1302🔥, 0💬

Starting SQL Server Browser Service
How To Start SQL Server Browser Service? SQL Server Browser Service is installed as part of the SQL Server. But it is turned off by default to reduce the security risk. If you want start SQL Server Browser Service to allow the SQL Server to accept network connections, you need to follow the steps be...
2024-07-25, 1278🔥, 0💬

Verifying the Port Number of the SQL Server
How To Verify the Port Number of the SQL Server? When applications use TCP/IP for network communication, you need to know the port number where the server is listening for connect request from the client. If you want to connect to the SQL Server through the TCP/IP, you must know on which port number...
2024-07-25, 1271🔥, 0💬

Configuring ODBC DSN with Different Port Numbers
How To Configure ODBC DSN with Different Port Numbers? If your SQL Server is not using the default port number, like 1269, you need to set the port number to the correct value during the ODBC DSN creation process, as show in this tutorial: 1. Start ODBC Data Source Administrator and click System DSN...
2024-07-25, 1263🔥, 0💬

Returning Result from Query with ODBC Connection
How To Receive Returning Result from a Query? When you execute a SQL SELECT statement with the odbc_exec() function, you can capture the returning result with a result set object with the following syntax: $result_set = odbc_exec($sql_statement); #- The returning value could be a Boolean value FALSE...
2024-07-17, 1347🔥, 1💬

Testing ODBC DSN Connection Settings
How To Test ODBC DSN Connection Settings? Assuming you have followed other FYIcenter.com tutorials and created an ODBC DSN called "FYI_SQL_SERVER", and planning to use it your PHP scripts, you should test this ODBC connection first as shown in this tutorial: 1. Go to Control Panel > Administr...
2024-07-11, 1319🔥, 0💬

odbc_data_source() - Listing All DSN Entries
How To List All DSN Entries on Your Local Machine using odbc_data_source()? If you are interested to know what DSN entries are available on your local machine, you can use odbc_data_source($con, SQL_FETCH_FIRST) and odbc_data_source($con, SQL_FETCH_NEXT) in a loop to list all DSN entries defined on ...
2024-07-11, 1309🔥, 0💬

odbc_connect() - Connecting to a SQL Server through an ODBC DSN
How To Connect to a SQL Server using odbc_connect()? If you have an ODBC DSN (Data Source Name) created linking to a SQL Server, you are ready to connect to the SQL Server through the DSN with ODBC functions. There is no changes needed in the php.ini configuration file. The tutorial script below sho...
2024-07-11, 1305🔥, 0💬

odbc_result() - Retrieve Field Values
How To Retrieve Field Values using odbc_result()? After calling odbc_fetch_row(), the field values of the fetched row are available in the result set object. You can use odbc_result() to retrieve the value of any given field with two syntax formats: $value = odbc_result($field_name); #- Retrieving v...
2024-07-11, 1285🔥, 0💬

odbc_tables() - Listing All Tables in the Database
How To List All Tables in the Database using odbc_tables()? If you want to get a list of all tables in the database, you can use the odbc_tables() function, which can actually be used to list all tables and views in the database. The syntax of odbc_tables() is: $result_set = odbc_tables($connection_...
2024-07-11, 1278🔥, 0💬

Turning Off PHP Warning Messages for ODBC Connection
How To Turn Off Warning Messages during PHP Execution? If don't want see warning messages generated from the PHP engine when executing PHP scripts, you can change the error_reporting setting in the php.ini configuration file. Open php.ini and change the following lines: ;error_reporting = E_ALL &...
2024-06-30, 1336🔥, 0💬

odbc_exec() - Executing SQL Statements
How To Execute a SQL Statement using odbc_exec()? Once you have created an ODBC connection object, you can use the odbc_exec() function to send a SQL statement to the SQL Server linked to the connection object for execution. Here is a simple PHP script that creates a new schema and a new table: &...
2024-06-30, 1332🔥, 0💬

odbc_errormsg() - Retrieving ODBC Error Messages
How To Retrieve Error Messages using odbc_errormsg()? When you call odbc_exec() to execute a SQL statement, and the execution failed on the SQL Server, you can use odbc_error() and odbc_errormsg() to retrieve the error code and error messages. The tutorial script below shows you a good example: &...
2024-06-30, 1324🔥, 0💬

odbc_fetch_row() - Looping through Result Set Objects
How To Loop through Result Set Objects using odbc_fetch_row()? If the returning output of a query statement is captured in a result set object, you can use odbc_fetch_row() to loop through each row in the output. The tutorial PHP script below shows you how to list tables in the database: <?ph...
2024-06-30, 1303🔥, 0💬

SQL Server FAQs - PHP ODBC Functions - Managing Tables and Data Rows
A collection of 14 FAQs on using PHP ODBC functions to connect to manage tables and data rows. Clear explanations and tutorial exercises are provided on creating tables; inserting multiple data rows; updating and deleting data rows; searching data from multiple tables; looping through result sets; w...
2024-06-03, 1392🔥, 0💬

PHP ODBC - Creating a New Table
PHP ODBC - How To Create a New Table? If you want to create a table in the database connected through a ODBC DSN, you can run the CREATE TABLE SQL statement using the odbc_exec() function, as shown in the following sample script: <?php $con = odbc_connect('FYI_SQL_SERVER', 'sa','FYIcenter');#...
2024-06-03, 1376🔥, 0💬

PHP ODBC - Inserting Data into an Existing Table
PHP ODBC - How To Insert Data into an Existing Table? If you want to insert a row of data into an existing table, you can use the INSERT INTO statement as shown in the following sample script: <?php $con = odbc_connect('FYI_SQL_SERVER', 'sa','FYIcenter');$sql = "INSERT INTO fyi_links (id, url...
2024-06-03, 1353🔥, 0💬

odbc_prepare() - Creating Prepared Statements
How To Create Prepared Statements using odbc_prepare()? If you have a SQL statement that need to executed repeatedly many times with small changes, you can create a prepared statement object with parameters so it can be executed more efficiently. There are two functions you need to use prepare and e...
2024-06-03, 1327🔥, 0💬

odbc_columns() - Listing All Columns in a Table
How To List All Columns in a Table using odbc_columns()? If you want to get a list of all columns in a table, you can use the odbc_columns() function, which can actually be used to list all columns in all tables and views in the database. The syntax of odbc_columns() is: $result_set = odbc_columns($...
2024-06-03, 1305🔥, 0💬

PHP ODBC - Updating Existing Rows in a Table
PHP ODBC - How To Update Existing Rows in a Table? Updating existing rows in a table requires to run the UPDATE statement with a WHERE clause to identify the row. The following sample script updates one row with two new values: <?php $con = odbc_connect('FYI_SQL_SERVER', 'sa','FYIcenter');$sq...
2024-05-29, 1401🔥, 0💬

PHP ODBC - Inserting Multiple Rows with a Subquery
PHP ODBC - How To Insert Multiple Rows with a subquery? If want to insert rows into a table based on data rows from other tables, you can use a subquery inside the INSERT statement as shown in the following script example: <?php $con = odbc_connect('FYI_SQL_SERVER', 'sa','FYIcenter');$sql = "...
2024-05-29, 1344🔥, 0💬

PHP ODBC - Returning Result Set Objects
PHP ODBC - What Is a Result Set Object Returned by odbc_exec()? A result set object is a logical representation of data rows returned by odbc_exec() function on SELECT statements. Every result set object has an internal pointer used to identify the current row in the result set. Once you get a resul...
2024-05-29, 1337🔥, 0💬

PHP ODBC - odbc_fetch_array() - Looping through Returning Rows
PHP ODBC - How To Loop through Returning Rows? The best way to query tables and loop through returning rows is to run a SELECT statement with the odbc_exec() function, catch the returning object as a result set, and loop through the result with odbc_fetch_array() function in a while loop as shown in...
2024-05-29, 1330🔥, 0💬

1 2 3 4 5 6 > >>   ∑:499  Sort:Rank