Show Current SQL*Plus System Settings in Oracle
How To Look at the Current SQL*Plus System Settings in Oracle?
If you want to see the current values of SQL*Plus system settings, you can use the SHOW command as shown in the following tutorial exercise:
SQL> SHOW AUTOCOMMIT autocommit OFF SQL> SHOW HEADING heading ON SQL> SHOW LINESIZE linesize 80 SQL> SHOW PAGESIZE pagesize 14 SQL> SHOW FEEDBACK FEEDBACK ON for 6 or more rows SQL> SHOW TIMING timing OFF SQL> SHOW NULL null "" SQL> SHOW ALL appinfo is OFF and set to "SQL*Plus" arraysize 15 autocommit OFF autoprint OFF autorecovery OFF autotrace OFF blockterminator "." (hex 2e) cmdsep OFF colsep " " compatibility version NATIVE concat "." (hex 2e) copycommit 0 COPYTYPECHECK is ON define "&" (hex 26) describe DEPTH 1 LINENUM OFF INDENT ON echo OFF ...
⇒ SQL*Plus Environment Variables in Oracle
⇐ Change SQL*Plus System Settings in Oracle
2020-07-22, 11001🔥, 0💬
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