SQL Server Transact-SQL Tutorials
Where to find tutorials to answer some frequently asked questions on Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL? I want to know how to write database scripts to run on SQL Server.
Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by DBA team about Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL:
General Questions on Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL
What Is SQL Server Transact-SQL (T-SQL)?
Versions of SQL Server Transact-SQL
Is SQL Server Transact-SQL Case Sensitive?
What Is a Statement in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Start and End of Statement in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Comments in SQL Server Transact-SQL Statements
Statement Batch in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Data Literals in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Constant or Data Literal in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Types of Data Literals in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Single-byte String Literals in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Collation - Character Code Page in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Default Collation in SQL Server Transact-SQL
COLLATE Clause in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Casting Strings to Wrong Code Pages in SQL Server Transact-SQL
CHAR(n) - Truncating/Padding Strings in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Unicode String Literals in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Unicode Character String Literals in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Exact Numeric Literals in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Approximate Numeric Literals in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Variables and Data Types in SQL Server Transact-SQL
What Is Variable in SQL Server Transact-SQL
List of Data Types in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Exact Numeric Data Types in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Overflow Errors with INT Values in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Overflow and Rounding on NUMERIC Values in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Approximate Numeric Data Types in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Precision and Rounding of FLOAT Values in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Underflow and Overflow of FLOAT Values in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Differences of DECIMAL and FLOAT in SQL Server
Date and Time Data Types in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Entering Date and Time Values in SQL Server
Casting Numeric Values to DATETIME in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Entering 0.001 Second in DATETIME in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Date-Only DATETIME Values in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Time-Only DATETIME Values in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Out-of-Range DATETIME Values in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Single-Byte Character Data Types in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Unicode Character Data Types in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Differences of CHAR and NCHAR in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Differences of CHAR and VARCHAR in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Binary String Data Types in SQL Server Transact-SQL
DECLARE Statements in SQL Server Transact-SQL
SET Statements in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Numeric Expressions and Functions in SQL Server Transact-SQL
What Is an Expression in SQL Server
Rules on Arithmetic Operations in SQL Server
Arithmetic Operations with Different Data Types in SQL Server
Converting Numeric Expressions from One Data Type to Another in SQL Server
Converting Numeric Data Types by Assignment Operations in SQL Server
CAST() - Converting Numeric Expression Data Types in SQL Server
CONVERT() - Converting Numeric Expression Data Types in SQL Server
CONVERT() - Converting Character Strings to Numeric Values in SQL Server
Overflow Errors on Converting Big Values to Integers in SQL Server
Overflow Errors on Converting Big Values to NUMERIC in SQL Server
Mathematical Functions Supported by SQL Server 2005 in SQL Server
FLOOR, CEILING, ROUND - Converting Values to Integers in SQL Server
ROUND() - Rounding Values to Specific Precisions in SQL Server
Character Strings and Binary Strings in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Concatenating Two Character Strings in SQL Server
String Type Conversion During Concatenation in SQL Server
Converting Unicode Strings to Non-Unicode Strings in SQL Server
Character String Functions Supported by SQL Server 2005 in SQL Server
Inserting New Line Characters into Strings in SQL Server
CHARINDEX() and SUBSTRING() - Locating and Taking Substrings in SQL Server
Concatenating Two Binary Strings in SQL Server
Using Binary Strings in Arithmetical Operations in SQL Server
Converting Binary Strings into Integers in SQL Server
Converting Binary Strings into NUMERIC or FLOAT in SQL Server
Converting Binary Strings into Character Strings in SQL Server
Converting Binary Strings into Unicode Character Strings in SQL Server
bin2hex - Converting Binary Strings into Hexadecimal Character Strings in SQL Server
Date/Time Operations and Functions in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Date/Time Data Type Comparison in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Get System Date and Time in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Verify Time Precision in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Adding and Removing Days on Date and Time Values in SQL Server
Converting Date and Time Values into Integers in SQL Server
Converting Integers into Date and Time Values in SQL Server
Converting DATETIME and NUMERIC Values in SQL Server
Subtracting a DATETIME Value from Another DATETIME Value in SQL Server
Date and Time Functions Supported by SQL Server 2005 in SQL Server
Incrementing or Decrementing Parts of DATETIME Values in SQL Server
DATEADD() Function Usage Examples in SQL Server
DATEDIFF() - Calculating DATETIME Value Differences in SQL Server
Calculating Age in Days, Hours and Minutes in SQL Server
Getting Month and Weekday Names from DATATIME Values in SQL Server
Getting Parts of DATETIME Values as Integers in SQL Server
Getting Year, Month and Day Out of DATETIME Values in SQL Server
Difference Between GETDATE() and GETUTCDATE() in SQL Server
Formatting Time Zone in +/-hh:mm Format in SQL Server
CONVERT() - Formatting DATETIME Values to Strings in SQL Server
Truncating DATETIME Values to Dates without Time in SQL Server
Setting New Values to Parts of a DATETIME Value in SQL Server
Working with NULL Values in SQL Server Transact-SQL
What Are NULL Values in SQL Server
Assigning NULL Values to Variables or Columns in SQL Server
NULL Values Involved in Arithmetic Operations in SQL Server
NULL Values Involved in String Operations in SQL Server
NULL Values Involved in Datetime Operations in SQL Server
NULL Values Involved in Bitwise Operations in SQL Server
NULL Values Involved in Comparison Operations in SQL Server
NULL Values Involved in Boolean Operations in SQL Server
"IS NULL" - Testing NULL Values in SQL Server
ISNULL() - Replacing NULL Values in Expressions in SQL Server
Boolean Values and Logical Operations in SQL Server Transact-SQL
What Is a Boolean Value in SQL Server
CASE - Conditional Expressions in SQL Server
What Are Comparison Operations in SQL Server
Performing Comparison on Exact Numbers in SQL Server
Performing Comparison on Floating Point Numbers in SQL Server
Performing Comparison on Date and Time Values in SQL Server
Performing Comparison on Character Strings in SQL Server
BETWEEN - Testing Value in a Range in SQL Server
IN - Testing Value in a Value List in SQL Server
LIKE - Matching a Pattern in a Character String in SQL Server
Using Wildcard Characters in LIKE Operations in SQL Server
EXISTS - Testing Subquery Results in SQL Server
Conditional Statements and Loops in SQL Server in SQL Server Transact-SQL
BEGIN ... END Statement Blocks in SQL Server Transact-SQL
IF ... ELSE Statement in SQL Server Transact-SQL
"IF ... ELSE IF ..." Statement Structures in SQL Server
WHILE ... Loops in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Using Stored Procedures in SQL Server Transact-SQL
What Are Stored Procedures in SQL Server
"CREATE PROCEDURE" - Creating Simple Stored Procedures in SQL Server
EXECUTE - Executing Stored Procedures in SQL Server
sys.procedures - Listing All Stored Procedures in SQL Server
"DROP PROCEDURE" - Dropping an Existing Procedure in SQL Server
Creating Stored Procedures with Statement Blocks in SQL Server
Ending Stored Procedures Properly in SQL Server
Generating CREATE PROCEDURE Scripts on Existing Stored Procedures in SQL Server
sys.sql_modules - Getting Stored Procedure Definitions Back in SQL Server
"ALTER PROCEDURE" - Modifying Existing Stored Procedures in SQL Server
Creating Stored Procedures with Parameters in SQL Server
Passing Values to Stored Procedure Parameters in SQL Server
Passing Name-Value Pairs as Parameters in SQL Server
Passing Expressions to Stored Procedure Parameters in SQL Server
Providing Default Values to Procedure Parameters in SQL Server
OUTPUT - Defining Output Parameters in Stored Procedures in SQL Server
OUTPUT - Receiving Output Values from Stored Procedures in SQL Server
Using User Defined Functions in SQL Server Transact-SQL
What Are User Defined Functions in SQL Server
Differences between Functions and Stored Procedures in SQL Server
"CREATE FUNCTION" - Creating User Defined Functions in SQL Server
Using User Defined Functions in Expressions in SQL Server
sys.objects - Listing All User Defined Functions in SQL Server
"DROP FUNCTION" - Dropping an Existing User Defined Function in SQL Server
Generating CREATE FUNCTION Scripts on Existing Functions in SQL Server
sys.sql_modules - Getting User Defined Function Definitions Back in SQL Server
"ALTER FUNCTION" - Modifying Existing Functions in SQL Server
Creating User Defined Functions with Parameters in SQL Server
Passing Values to User Defined Function Parameters in SQL Server
Passing Expressions to Function Parameters in SQL Server
DEFAULT - Providing Default Values to Function Parameters in SQL Server
Categories of Functions Based on Return Modes in SQL Server
Syntaxes of Creating Table-Valued Functions in SQL Server
"RETURNS TABLE" - Creating Inline Table-Value Functions in SQL Server
Creating Multi-Statement Table-Value Functions in SQL Server
Using Cursors in SQL Server Transact-SQL
What Are Cursors in SQL Server
"DECLARE ... CURSOR" - Declaring Cursor Objects in SQL Server
"OPEN" - Executing the Query of a Cursor in SQL Server
"FETCH" - Fetching the Next Row from a Cursor in SQL Server
"FETCH" - Transferring Data from Cursors to Variables in SQL Server
"@@FETCH_STATUS" - Looping through Result Set in SQL Server
Declaring and Using Cursor Variables in SQL Server
SCROLL - Creating Cursors for Backward Scrolling in SQL Server
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