Difference Between GETDATE() and GETUTCDATE() in SQL Server
What Is the Difference Between GETDATE() and GETUTCDATE() in SQL Server Transact-SQL?
The difference between GETDATE() and GETUTCDATE() is time zone number of the SQL Server machine. The tutorial exercise below gives you a good example:
DECLARE @local_time DATETIME; DECLARE @gmt_time DATETIME; SET @local_time = GETDATE(); SET @gmt_time = GETUTCDATE(); SELECT 'Server local time: ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(40),@local_time); SELECT 'Server GMT time: ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(40),@gmt_time); SELECT 'Server time zone: ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(40), DATEDIFF(hour,@gmt_time,@local_time)); GO Server local time: Jun 2 2007 10:06PM Server GMT time: Jun 2 2007 4:21PM Server time zone: 6
Note that the local time is from SQL server machine, not your local machine if you are connected to the server remotely. The local time is also adjusted by day-light savings.
⇒ Formatting Time Zone in +/-hh:mm Format in SQL Server
⇐ Getting Year, Month and Day Out of DATETIME Values in SQL Server
⇑ Date/Time Operations and Functions in SQL Server Transact-SQL
2017-02-14, 4073🔥, 0💬
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