CONVERT() - Formatting DATETIME Values to Strings in SQL Server
How To Format DATETIME Values to Strings with the CONVERT() Function in SQL Server Transact-SQL?
SQL Server 2005 offers no functions to format DATETIME values in your own format patterns. But it does provide you a number of pre-defined format patterns that you can use with the CONVERT(char_type, date, pattern_code) function. Commonly used pattern codes are:
Code Name Format 100 Default mon dd yyyy hh:miAM/PM 101 U.S. mm/dd/yyyy 102 ANSI 103 British/French dd/mm/yyyy 104 German 105 Italian dd-mm-yy 107 Mon dd, yyyy 108 hh:mi:ss 110 USA mm-dd-yy 111 Japan yy/mm/dd 121 ODBC canonical yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss.mmm
For examples, see the tutorial exercise below:
DECLARE @birth_date DATETIME; SET @birth_date = '1987-05-19 16:10:41.403'; SELECT 'You were born on ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(40),@birth_date,107) + ', at ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(40),@birth_date,108); GO You were born on May 19, 1987, at 16:10:41
⇒ Truncating DATETIME Values to Dates without Time in SQL Server
⇐ Formatting Time Zone in +/-hh:mm Format in SQL Server
⇑ Date/Time Operations and Functions in SQL Server Transact-SQL
2017-02-08, 3902🔥, 0💬
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