MySQL Function References
Where to find reference information and tutorials on MySQL database functions? I want to know how to use SUBSTRING(), ABS(), DATEDIFF(), and other MySQL functions.
Here is a collection of reference information and tutorials on MySQL database functions
compiled by DBA team.
Calling MySQL Built-in Functions
MySQL Functions on Character String Values
ASCII() - ASCII Value of First Character
BIT_LENGTH() - Number of Bits in String
CHAR() - Building String from Byte Values
CHAR_LENGTH() - Number of Characters
CHARSET() - Detecting Character Set Name
COERCIBILITY() - Character Collation Coercibility
COLLATION() - Detecting Character Collation Name
CONCAT() - Concatenating Strings
CONCAT_WS() - Concatenation with Separator
CONV() - Binary/HEX String and Integer Conversion
FIELD() - Find String in String List
FIND_IN_SET() - Find Substring in List String
FROM_BASE64() - Base64 Decoding
HEX() - Calculate HEX representation
INSERT() - Insert and Replace Substring
LENGTH() - Number of Bytes in String
LOCATE() - Locate Substring Starting at N
LOWER() - Convert String to Lower Case
LTRIM() - Left-Trimming String
MID() - Synonym for SUBSTRING()
OCT() - Calculate Octal representation
OCTET_LENGTH() - Synonym for LENGTH()
ORD() - Order Value of First Character
POSITION() - Synonym for LOCATE()
QUOTE() - MySQL Quoting String
REPLACE() - Replacing Substring
RTRIM() - Right-Trimming String
SPACE() - Repeating Space Character
SUBSTR() - Synonym for SUBSTRING()
SUBSTRING() - Substring at Given Position
SUBSTRING_INDEX() - Substring in Delimited String
UNHEX() - HEX to String Conversion
MySQL Functions on Numeric Values
ACOS() - Arccosine Trigonometric Value
ASIN() - Arcsine Trigonometric Value
ATAN() - Arctangent Trigonometric Value
ATAN2() - 2-Argument Arctangent
BIN() - Converting Integer to Binary String
BIT_COUNT() - Counting '1' in Binary String
CEIL() - Synonym for CEILING()
CEILING() - Rounding up to Integer
CONV() - Number Base Conversion
COS() - Cosine Trigonometric Value
COT() - Cotangent Trigonometric Value
DEGREES() - Radians to Degrees
FLOOR() - Flooring a Numeric Value
FORMAT() - Formatting Number to String
FORMAT_BYTES() - Formatting Bytes in Readable Units
EXP() - Exponential Based on E
EXPORT_SET() - Exporting Binary Set to On/Off Flags
INTERVAL() - Interval Position of Sorted List
LOG() - Logarithm of Y to Base X
LOG10() - Logarithm to Base 10
MAKE_SET() - Filtering List with Binary Set
MOD() - Remainder of X divided by Y
POW() - X Raised to Power of Y
RADIANS() - Degrees to Radians
RAND() - Random Value Generator
ROUND() - Rounding to Decimal Place
SIN() - Sine Trigonometric Value
MySQL Functions on Date and Time
ADDDATE() - Synonym for DATE_ADD()
CONVERT_TZ() - Converting Time Zone
CURRENT_DATE() - Synonym for CURDATE()
CURRENT_TIME() - Synonym for CURTIME()
DATEDIFF() - Difference of Two Dates
DATE_ADD() - Adding Date/Time Interval
DATE_FORMAT() - Formatting Date
DATE_SUB() - Decrementing Date/Time
DAY() - Synonym for DAYOFMONTH()
DAYOFWEEK() - Day of Week (1=Sunday)
EXTRACT() - Extracting Datetime Component
FORMAT_PICO_TIME() - Formatting Picoseconds in Readable Units
FROM_DAYS() - Converting Days to Date
FROM_UNIXTIME() - Unix Time to Datetime
GET_FORMAT() - Standard Datetime Formats
LAST_DAY() - Last Day of Month
LOCALTIME() - Synonym for NOW()
LOCALTIMESTAMP() - Synonym for NOW()
MAKEDATE() - Making Date from Days
MAKETIME() - Making Time from Components
MICROSECOND() - Microseconds of Time
NOW() - Start Time of Execution
PERIOD_ADD() - Adding Months to Period
PERIOD_DIFF() - Difference of Year-Month Periods
SEC_TO_TIME() - Converting Seconds to Time
STR_TO_DATE() - Parsing String to Datetime
SUBDATE() - Synonym for DATE_SUB()
TIMEDIFF() - Difference of Two Timestamps
TIMESTAMP() - Adding Time to Timestamp
TIMESTAMPADD() - Incrementing Timestamp
TIMESTAMPDIFF() - Difference in Timestamp Component
TIME_FORMAT() - Formatting Time
TIME_TO_SEC() - Converting Time to Seconds
TO_DAYS() - Converting Date to Days
TO_SECONDS() - Converting Datetime to seconds
UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - Calculating Unix Timestamp
UTC_TIMESTAMP() - Current UTC Timestamp
WEEKDAY() - Weekday (0=Monday)
MySQL Functions on Aggregation Groups
ANY_VALUE() - Any Value in Group
AVG() - Average Value in Group
BIT_AND() - Bitwise AND in Group
BIT_OR() - Bitwise OR in Group
BIT_XOR() - Bitwise XOR in Group
COUNT() - Counting Items in Group
GROUP_CONCAT() - Concatenating Items in Group
GROUPING() - Identifying Super-Aggregate Row
JSON_ARRAYAGG() - Building JSON Array in Group
JSON_OBJECTAGG() - Building JSON Object in Group
MAX() - Maximum Value in Group
MIN() - Minimum Value in Group
STD() - Synonym for STDDEV_POP()
STDDEV() - Synonym for STDDEV_POP()
STDDEV_POP() - Population Standard Deviation
STDDEV_SAMP() - Sample Standard Deviation
VAR_POP() - Population Standard Variance
VAR_SAMP() - Sample Standard Variance
MySQL Functions on Result Set Windows
CUME_DIST() - Cumulative Distribution of Sorted Values
DENSE_RANK() - Density Rank of Sorted Values
FIRST_VALUE() - First Value of Result Set Window
LAG() - N-Row before Current Row within Window
LAST_VALUE() - Last Value of Result Set Window
LEAD() - N-Row after Current Row within Window
NTH_VALUE() - N-th Value of Result Set Window
NTILE() - Dividing Window into N Tiles
PERCENT_RANK() - Rank Percentage of Sorted Values
MySQL Functions on JSON Values
JSON_ARRAY() - Creating JSON Array
JSON_ARRAY_APPEND() - Appending Value to JSON Array
JSON_ARRAY_INSERT() - Inserting Value to JSON Array
JSON_DEPTH() - Calculating Depth of JSON Value
JSON_EXTRACT() - Exacting Members from JSON
JSON_STORAGE_FREE() - Free Space in JSON Value
JSON_INSERT() - Inserting Members to JSON Value
JSON_KEYS() - Exacting Keys from JSON Object
JSON_LENGTH() - Calculating Length of JSON Value
JSON_MERGE_PATCH() - Merging JSON by Replacing Members
JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE() - Merging JSON with All Members
JSON_OBJECT() - Creating JSON Object
JSON_OVERLAPS() - Checking JSON Overlaps
JSON_PRETTY() - Validating JSON Value
JSON_QUOTE() - Quoting JSON String
JSON_REMOVE() - Removing JSON Child Members
JSON_REPLACE() - Replacing JSON Child Members
JSON_SCHEMA_VALID() - JSON Schema Validation
JSON_SEARCH() - Searching String in JSON
JSON_SET() - Inserting/updating JSON Child Members
JSON_STORAGE_SIZE() - Storage Size of JSON Value
JSON_TABLE() - Inline Table with JSON Array
JSON_TYPE() - Detecting Type of JSON Value
JSON_UNQUOTE() - Unquoting JSON String
MySQL Functions for Encryption and Compression
AES_DECRYPT() - AES Data Decryption
AES_ENCRYPT() - AES Data Encryption
CRC32() - Cyclic Redundancy Check 32-Bit
RANDOM_BYTES() - Generating Random Bytes
SHA1() - Calculating SHA-1 Hash
SHA2() - Calculating SHA-2 Hash
STATEMENT_DIGEST() - Statement Digest Hash
STATEMENT_DIGEST_TEXT() - Calculating Statement Digest
UNCOMPRESS() - Uncompressing Data
MySQL Functions on UUID Values
BIN_TO_UUID() - Converting Binary to UUID
IS_UUID() - Validating UUID String Format
UUID() - Generating UUID String
MySQL Functions on System Information
BENCHMARK() - Repeating Expression Evaluation
CONNECTION_ID() - Thread ID of Current Connection
CURRENT_ROLE() - Current Role of Logged-In User
CURRENT_USER() - Authentication Name of Current User
DATABASE() - Name of Current Database
FOUND_ROWS() - Row Count from Last SELECT Statement
ICU_VERSION() - ICU (International Components for Unicode) Version
PS_CURRENT_THREAD_ID() - PS Thread ID of Current Connect
PS_THREAD_ID() - PS Thread ID of Given Connect
ROLES_GRAPHML() - User Role Graph in GraphML Format
ROW_COUNT() - Affected Rows from Last DML Statement
SCHEMA() - Synonym for DATABASE()
SESSION_USER() - Synonym for USER()
SYSTEM_USER() - Synonym for USER()
MySQL Functions for Miscellaneous Purposes
CAST() - Casting Expression to Value
COALESCE() - Finding First Non-NULL Value
CONVERT() - Character Set Conversion
DEFAULT() - Table Column Default Value
EXTRACTVALUE() - Extracting Text Content from XML
GET_LOCK() - Requesting User Defined Lock
GREATEST() - Finding the Greatest/Maximum Value
IF() - Conditional Value Selection
IFNULL() - Replacing NULL Value
INET_ATON() - IP Address String to Number
INET_NTOA() - IP Address Number to String
INET6_ATON() - IPv6 Address String to Number
INET6_NTOA() - IPv6 Address Number to String
IS_FREE_LOCK() - Checking Lock Status
IS_IPV4() - Detecting IPv4 Address
IS_IPV4_COMPAT() - IPv4-Compatible IPv6 Address
IS_IPV4_MAPPED() - IPv4-Mapped IPv6 Address
IS_IPV6() - Detecting IPv6 Address
IS_USED_LOCK() - Checking Lock Owner
ISNULL() - Detecting NULL Value
LEAST() - Finding the Least/Minimum Value
NAME_CONST() - PS Thread ID of Given Connect
NULLIF() - NULL on Equal Values
RELEASE_ALL_LOCKS() - Release All Locks
RELEASE_LOCK() - Release Lock Instance
SLEEP() - Holding Statement Execution
Removed: ENCODE() - Encoding Data with Password
Removed: DECODE() - Decoding Data with Password
Removed: DES_DECRYPT() - DES Data Decryption
Removed: DES_ENCRYPT() - DES Data Encryption
Removed: ENCRYPT() - Unix crypt() Hash Algorithm
Copyright © All rights reserved. MySQL-Functions v1.13
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