EXPORT_SET() - Exporting Binary Set to On/Off Flags


How to export an integer as a binary set to on/off flags using the EXPORT_SET() function?

✍: FYIcenter.com


EXPORT_SET(bits, on, off, delimiter, len) is a MySQL built-in function that converts an integer as a binary set (a sequence of bits) to on/off flags. It loops through every bit of the given integer "bits" starting from the lowest bit and converts 1 to "on" or 0 to "off" separated by "delimiter". It stops after "len" bits. For example:

SELECT EXPORT_SET(5,'Y','N',',',4), EXPORT_SET(5,'1','0','',4);
  -- +-----------------------------+----------------------------+
  -- | EXPORT_SET(5,'Y','N',',',4) | EXPORT_SET(5,'1','0','',4) |
  -- +-----------------------------+----------------------------+
  -- | Y,N,Y,N                     | 1010                       |
  -- +-----------------------------+----------------------------+

SELECT EXPORT_SET(6,'1','0',',',10), EXPORT_SET(6,'+','-','',10);
  -- +------------------------------+-----------------------------+
  -- | EXPORT_SET(6,'1','0',',',10) | EXPORT_SET(6,'+','-','',10) |
  -- +------------------------------+-----------------------------+
  -- | 0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0          | -++-------                  |
  -- +------------------------------+-----------------------------+

Reference information of the EXPORT_SET() function:

EXPORT_SET(bits, on, off, delimiter, len): str
  Converts an integer as a binary set (a sequence of bits) to on/off flags.

Arguments, return value and availability:
  bits: Required. The sequence of bits given as an integer.
  on: Required. The "on" flag to be used for bit 1.
  off: Required. The "off" flag to be used for bit 0.
  delimiter: Optional. The default is ",". Flag string delimiter.
  len: Optional. The default is 64. Number of bits to be converted.
  str: Return value. The converted on/off flag string.
  Available since MySQL 4.


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MySQL Functions on Numeric Values

⇑⇑ MySQL Function References

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