MySQL Functions on Numeric Values


Where to find reference information and tutorials on MySQL database functions on numeric values? I want to know how to use ABS(), ROUND() and other numeric value functions.



Here is a collection of reference information and tutorials on MySQL database functions on numeric values compiled by DBA team.

ABS() - Absolute Value

ACOS() - Arccosine Trigonometric Value

ASIN() - Arcsine Trigonometric Value

ATAN() - Arctangent Trigonometric Value

ATAN2() - 2-Argument Arctangent

BIN() - Converting Integer to Binary String

BIT_COUNT() - Counting '1' in Binary String

CEIL() - Synonym for CEILING()

CEILING() - Rounding up to Integer

CONV() - Number Base Conversion

COS() - Cosine Trigonometric Value

COT() - Cotangent Trigonometric Value

DEGREES() - Radians to Degrees

FLOOR() - Flooring a Numeric Value

FORMAT() - Formatting Number to String

FORMAT_BYTES() - Formatting Bytes in Readable Units

EXP() - Exponential Based on E

EXPORT_SET() - Exporting Binary Set to On/Off Flags

INTERVAL() - Interval Position of Sorted List

LN() - Natural Logarithm

LOG() - Logarithm of Y to Base X

LOG10() - Logarithm to Base 10

LOG2() - Logarithm to Base 2

MAKE_SET() - Filtering List with Binary Set

MOD() - Remainder of X divided by Y

PI() - Value of PI, π

POW() - X Raised to Power of Y

POWER() - Synonym for POW()

RADIANS() - Degrees to Radians

RAND() - Random Value Generator

ROUND() - Rounding to Decimal Place

SIGN() - Sign of a Number

SIN() - Sine Trigonometric Value

SQRT() - Square Root of X

TAN() - Tangent Trigonometric Value

TRUNCATE() - Truncating to Decimal Place


ABS() - Absolute Value

WEIGHT_STRING() - String Sorting Weight

⇑⇑ MySQL Function References

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