CONCAT() - Concatenating Strings


How to concatenate multiple strings together using the CONCAT() function?



CONCAT(string1, string2, ...) is a MySQL built-in function that concatenates multiple strings together. For example:

SET @host = 'dba';
SET @domain = '';

SELECT CONCAT(@host, '.', @domain);
  -- +-----------------------------+
  -- | CONCAT(@host, '.', @domain) |
  -- +-----------------------------+
  -- |           |
  -- +-----------------------------+

Reference information of the CONCAT() function:

CONCAT(str1, str2, ...): str
  Returns the string that results from concatenating the arguments. May
  have one or more arguments. If all arguments are nonbinary strings, the
  result is a nonbinary string. If the arguments include any binary
  strings, the result is a binary string. A numeric argument is converted
  to its equivalent nonbinary string form.

Arguments, return value and availability:
  str1: Required. The first given string to concatenate for.
  str2: Optional. The second given string to concatenate for.
  str: Return value. The string of concatenation of all given strings.
  Available since MySQL 4.0.

Related MySQL functions:


CONCAT_WS() - Concatenation with Separator

COLLATION() - Detecting Character Collation Name

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⇑⇑ MySQL Function References

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