CRC32() - Cyclic Redundancy Check 32-Bit


How to calculate the 32-bit CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) value using the CRC32() function?



CRC32(str) is a MySQL built-in function that calculates the 32-bit CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) value of a given character string and returns it as an integer. For example:

  -- +----------------+---------------------+
  -- | CRC32('MySQL') | HEX(CRC32('MySQL')) |
  -- +----------------+---------------------+
  -- |     3259397556 | C24675B4            |
  -- +----------------+---------------------+

SELECT CRC32('123456789'), HEX(CRC32('123456789'));
  -- +--------------------+-------------------------+
  -- | CRC32('123456789') | HEX(CRC32('123456789')) |
  -- +--------------------+-------------------------+
  -- |         3421780262 | CBF43926                |
  -- +--------------------+-------------------------+

Reference information of the CRC32() function:

CRC32(str): crc
  Calculates the 32-bit CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) value 
  of a given character string and returns it as an integer.

Arguments, return value and availability:
  str: Required. The character string to be processed.
  crc: Return value. The 32-bit CRC value as an integer.
  Available since MySQL 4.0.


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