Incrementing or Decrementing Parts of DATETIME Values in SQL Server
How To Increment or Decrement Parts of DATETIME Values in SQL Server Transact-SQL?
If you want to increment or decrement one part of a date and time value, you can use the DATEADD() function in the following format:
DATEADD(datepart, number, date) returns DATETIME: "date" - the input date "number" - the incrementing amount "datepart" - one of predefined date part names
Valid date part names are:
year, yy, yyyy - The year part quarter, qq, q - The quarter part month, mm, m - The month part dayofyear, dy, y - The day-of-year part day, dd, d - The day part week, wk, ww - The week part weekday, dw, w - The weekday part hour, hh - The hour part minute, mi, n - The minute part second, ss, s - The second part millisecond, ms - The millisecond part
For example, DATEADD(year, 1, @birth_date) will increment 1 year to @birth_date.
⇒ DATEADD() Function Usage Examples in SQL Server
⇐ Date and Time Functions Supported by SQL Server 2005 in SQL Server
⇑ Date/Time Operations and Functions in SQL Server Transact-SQL
2017-02-20, 2265🔥, 0💬
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