Transaction Management: Commit or Rollback in MySQL
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions on Transaction Management: Commit or Rollback in MySQL?
Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by DBA team on Transaction Management: Commit or Rollback in MySQL. Clear answers are provided with tutorial exercises on starting and ending transactions; committing and rolling back transactions; transaction isolation levels: read committed and repeatable read; locks and dead locks.
What Is a Transaction - Unit of Work in MySQL
Ways to Start a New Transaction in MySQL
Ways to End the Current Transaction in MySQL
Create a Table for Transaction Testing in MySQL
Turn on and off Autocommit in MySQL
Show the Current Transaction Mode in MySQL
Start a New Transaction Explicitly in MySQL
Commit the Current Transaction in MySQL
Rollback the Current Transaction in MySQL
Transaction Committed when START TRANSACTION Executed in MySQL
Transaction Committed when DDL Statement Executed in MySQL
Transaction Roll Back when Session Ended in MySQL
Transaction Roll Back when Session Killed in MySQL
Read Consistency Support in MySQL in MySQL
Transaction Isolation Levels in MySQL
Change Transaction Isolation Level in MySQL
Experiment with Data Locks in MySQL
Transaction Waiting for a Data Lock in MySQL
Error: Lock Wait Timeout Exceeded in MySQL
Experiment with Dead Locks in MySQL
Please note that all answers and tutorials are based on MySQL 5.0 with transaction-safe storage engines, like InnoDB. Sometimes you may need to run previous tutorials in order to continue a later tutorial.
⇒ What Is a Transaction - Unit of Work in MySQL
2017-08-08, 3958🔥, 0💬
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