Verify Time Precision in SQL Server Transact-SQL
How to verify the precession of the server system time in SQL Server Transact-SQL?
You can run a WHILE loop to check the precision of server system time
in Transact-SQL as shown below:
DECLARE @var DATETIME2(7); DECLARE @count INT = 0; WHILE @count<100 BEGIN SET @count = @count + 1; SET @var = SYSDATETIME(); PRINT CAST(@count AS CHAR(3))+': ' +CAST(CAST(@var AS TIME(7)) AS CHAR(16)); END --------------------- 1 : 19:39:22.3348095 2 : 19:39:22.3348095 ... 13 : 19:39:22.3348095 14 : 19:39:22.3358096 15 : 19:39:22.3358096 ... 78 : 19:39:22.3358096 79 : 19:39:22.3968131 80 : 19:39:22.3968131 ... 100: 19:39:22.3968131
As you can see from the output, the actual precision of the SYSDATETIME() function is very poor, about 0.001 second. This is much lower than 0.0000001 second of what SYSDATETIME() can return.
There are 3 main factors affecting the actual precision of the SYSDATETIME() function:
⇒ Adding and Removing Days on Date and Time Values in SQL Server
⇐ Get System Date and Time in SQL Server Transact-SQL
⇑ Date/Time Operations and Functions in SQL Server Transact-SQL
2017-02-22, 1782🔥, 0💬
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