Casting Strings to Wrong Code Pages in SQL Server Transact-SQL
What Happens If Strings Are Casted into Wrong Code Pages in SQL Server Transact-SQL?
In SQL Server, different collations may use different code pages. For example:
If you are casting a string of characters from one code page to a different code page, some characters will be converted to similar characters. For example
PRINT 'Français: eéèê-aà-oô'; -- The default code page PRINT 'Français: eéèê-aà-oô' COLLATE French_CI_AI; -- Code page 1252 PRINT 'Français: eéèê-aà-oô' COLLATE Polish_CI_AS; -- Code page 1250 PRINT 'Français: eéèê-aà-oô' COLLATE Cyrillic_General_CI_AS; -- Code page 1256 Français: eéèê-aà-oô Français: eéèê-aà-oô Français: eéee-aa-oô Francais: eeee-aa-oo
⇒ CHAR(n) - Truncating/Padding Strings in SQL Server Transact-SQL
⇐ COLLATE Clause in SQL Server Transact-SQL
2017-05-13, 2520🔥, 0💬
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