DECLARE Statements in SQL Server Transact-SQL
How to declare a variable in SQL Server Transact-SQL? How to use the DECLARE statements?
In Transact-SQL, you must use DECLARE statements to declare variables.
Declaring a variable is to define the variable name and the variable data type.
In Transact-SQL, you can:
Here are some example on how to declare variables in Transact-SQL:
DECLARE @country CHAR(3); DECLARE @name NVARCHAR(80), @city NVARCHAR(80); DECLARE @price MONEY = 9.99; DECLARE @now DATETIME = GETDATE();
⇒ SET Statements in SQL Server Transact-SQL
⇐ Binary String Data Types in SQL Server Transact-SQL
2017-04-04, 1691🔥, 0💬
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