Testing Local Temporary Stored Procedures in SQL Server


Can Another User Execute Your Local Temporary Stored Procedures in SQL Server Transact-SQL?

✍: FYIcenter.com


Can another user execute your local temporary stored procedures? The answer is no.

To test this out, continue with the exercise from the previous tutorial. Keep that user session running and open a new client session with sqlcmd.exe. Then run the tutorial script below:

-- Executing permanent procedure 
-- created by another user session
EXECUTE Hello 'fyicenter.com';
Welcome to moc.retneciyf

-- Executing local temporary procedure 
-- created by another user session
EXECUTE #Hello 'fyicenter.com';
Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Line 1
Could not find stored procedure '#Hello'.


Using User Defined Functions in SQL Server Transact-SQL

Creating Local Temporary Stored Procedures in SQL Server

Using Stored Procedures in SQL Server Transact-SQL

⇑⇑ SQL Server Transact-SQL Tutorials

2016-12-28, 1606🔥, 0💬