BETWEEN - Testing Value in a Range in SQL Server
What To Test Value Ranges with the BETWEEN Operator in SQL Server Transact-SQL?
Sometimes you want to compare a value against a value range. You can do this with two regular comparison operations. But you can also use the special comparison operator BETWEEN to get it done with the following syntaxes:
1. Inclusively in the range test test_value BETWEEN range_start_value AND range_end_value - Returns the same results as the following expression test_value >= range_start_value AND test_value <= range_end_value 2. Exclusively out of the range test test_value NOT BETWEEN range_start_value AND range_end_value - Returns the same results as the following expression test_value < range_start_value OR test_value > range_end_value
Here are two examples of using the BETWEEN operator:
DECLARE @my_age INT; SET @my_age = 17; SELECT CASE WHEN @my_age BETWEEN 11 AND 19 THEN 'You are a teenager.' ELSE 'You are not a teenager.' END; GO You are a teenager. DECLARE @my_age INT; SET @my_age = 27; SELECT CASE WHEN @my_age NOT BETWEEN 11 AND 19 THEN 'You are not a teenager.' ELSE 'You are a teenager.' END; GO You are not a teenager.
⇒ IN - Testing Value in a Value List in SQL Server
⇐ Performing Comparison on Character Strings in SQL Server
⇑ Boolean Values and Logical Operations in SQL Server Transact-SQL
2017-01-21, 1612🔥, 0💬
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