DEFAULT - Providing Default Values to Function Parameters in SQL Server
How To Provide Default Values to Function Parameters in SQL Server Transact-SQL?
If you add a parameter when creating a stored procedure, you can provide a default value so that the execution statement is not required to pass input value to this parameter:
The tutorial exercise below shows you how provide default values to function parameters:
USE FyiCenterData; GO CREATE FUNCTION Age_In_Days ( @birth_date DATETIME, @today DATETIME = NULL ) RETURNS INT AS BEGIN IF @today IS NULL SET @today = GETDATE(); RETURN DATEDIFF(DAY, @birth_date, @today); END; GO -- Default value is used PRINT 'Age in days: '+STR( dbo.Age_In_Days('01-Jan-2007', DEFAULT)); GO Age in days: 138 -- Default value is not used PRINT 'Age in days: '+STR( dbo.Age_In_Days('01-Jan-2007', '11-May-2007')); GO Age in days: 130 -- Can not skip input values -- even for parameters with default values PRINT 'Age in days: '+STR( dbo.Age_In_Days('01-Jan-2007')); GO Msg 313, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 An insufficient number of arguments were supplied for the procedure or function dbo.Age_In_Days.
⇒ Categories of Functions Based on Return Modes in SQL Server
⇐ Passing Expressions to Function Parameters in SQL Server
2023-03-03, 32054🔥, 1💬
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