WHILE ... Loops in SQL Server Transact-SQL
How to execute statements in loops in SQL Server Transact-SQL? How to use WHILE ... loops?
You can use WHILE ... statements to execute statements in loops in Transact-SQL using these syntaxes:
-- Loop with a single statement WHILE condition statement -- Loop with a statement block WHILE condition -- statement_block BEGIN ... statements ... END
When a WHILE ... loop statement is executed, the system will:
Here is an example on how to use WHILE ... loop statements:
DECLARE @count INT = 1, @sum INT = 0; WHILE @count <= 10 BEGIN SET @sum = @sum + @count; SET @count = @count+1; END PRINT 'Sum of 1 to 10: ' + CAST(@sum AS CHAR);
Here is another example of WHILE ... loop statement:
-- Counting number of days in 2000 DECLARE @date DATETIME; DECLARE @count INT; SET @date = '2000-01-01'; SET @count = 0; WHILE DATEPART(YEAR, @date) = 2000 BEGIN SET @count = @count + 1; SET @date = DATEADD(DAY, 1, @date); END SELECT @count; 366 -- 2000 is a leap year!
⇒ BREAK of Loop Statement in SQL Server Transact-SQL
⇐ "IF ... ELSE IF ..." Statement Structures in SQL Server
⇑ Conditional Statements and Loops in SQL Server in SQL Server Transact-SQL
2017-01-11, 4158🔥, 0💬
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