Rebuilding All Indexes on One Table in SQL Server
How To Rebuild All Indexes on a Single Table in SQL Server?
If you have several indexes on a single table and want to rebuild all of them, you may use the "ALTER INDEX ALL ON table_name REBUILD" statement as shown in the tutorial exercise below:
USE FyiCenterData; GO UPDATE fyi_links_indexed SET url = REVERSE(url), counts = -counts WHERE id <=50000; GO (50000 row(s) affected) SELECT i.index_id,, s.avg_fragmentation_in_percent FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats ( DB_ID(N'FyiCenterData'), OBJECT_ID(N'fyi_links_indexed'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT) s, sys.indexes i WHERE s.object_id = i.object_id AND s.index_id = i.index_id; GO 0 NULL 0.574712643678161 2 fyi_links_url 85.750315258512 3 fyi_links_counts 84.040404040404 ALTER INDEX ALL ON fyi_links_indexed REBUILD; GO SELECT i.index_id,, s.avg_fragmentation_in_percent FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats ( DB_ID(N'FyiCenterData'), OBJECT_ID(N'fyi_links_indexed'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT) s, sys.indexes i WHERE s.object_id = i.object_id AND s.index_id = i.index_id; GO 0 NULL 0.574712643678161 2 fyi_links_url 0.12987012987013 3 fyi_links_counts 0.448430493273543
Both indexes were defragmented to a very low level now.
⇒ DROP_EXISTING - Recreating an Existing Index in SQL Server
⇐ "ALTER INDEX ... REBUILD" - Defragmenting Indexes in SQL Server
2016-11-08, 1488🔥, 0💬
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