Index Speeding Up SELECT Statements in SQL Server


Does Index Speed Up SELECT Statements in SQL Server?



If you want to see the impact of indexes on SELECT statements, you can run the same SELECT statement on "fyi_links" and "fyi_links_indexed" tables. See the tutorial exercise below:

USE FyiCenterData;

-- Run SELECT on the table without indexes
DECLARE @start_time DATETIME, @end_time DATETIME;
SET @start_time = GETDATE();
SELECT TOP 3 counts, url FROM fyi_links
   WHERE url LIKE 'a%'
   ORDER BY counts DESC;
SET @end_time = GETDATE();
PRINT 'Milliseconds used: '+CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),
counts      url
----------- ------------------------------------------------
999417      a ihgu migox mlqvi gvs n nmabwdk iehu ezjjv n  l
999008      agqbr gkjwfpjvp z c cq k inen j  ppjsu x iuk uhp
998471      a    yiu squqco eih

Milliseconds used: 46

-- Run SELECT on the table with indexes
DECLARE @start_time DATETIME, @end_time DATETIME;
SET @start_time = GETDATE();
SELECT TOP 3 counts, url FROM fyi_links_indexed
   WHERE url LIKE 'a%'
   ORDER BY counts DESC;
SET @end_time = GETDATE();
PRINT 'Milliseconds used: '+CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),
counts      url
----------- ------------------------------------------------
999417      a ihgu migox mlqvi gvs n nmabwdk iehu ezjjv n  l
999008      agqbr gkjwfpjvp z c cq k inen j  ppjsu x iuk uhp
998471      a    yiu squqco eih

Milliseconds used: 0

The test result shows indexes on "url" and "counts" did improve the SELECT statement from 46 milliseconds to almost 0 millisecond.


Adding a New Index to a Large Table in SQL Server

Index Slowing Down INSERT Statements in SQL Server

Understanding and Managing Indexes in SQL Server

⇑⇑ SQL Server Database Tutorials

2016-11-13, 1708🔥, 0💬