Updating Values with UPDATE Statements in SQL Server


How To Update Values in a Table with UPDATE Statements in SQL Server?

✍: FYIcenter.com


If you want to update some values in one row or multiple rows in a table, you can use the UPDATE statement. The tutorial script below shows a good example:

SELECT * FROM fyi_links WHERE id = 101
id      url                     notes   counts  created
101     dev.fyicenter.com       NULL    0       2006-04-30

UPDATE fyi_links SET counts = 999, notes = 'Good.' 
   WHERE id = 101;
(1 row(s) affected)

SELECT * FROM fyi_links WHERE id = 101
id      url                     notes   counts  created
101     dev.fyicenter.com       Good.   999     2006-04-30

As you can see, the SET clause takes column and value pairs to provide new values, while the WHERE clause defines which row to apply the update.


Updating Multiple Rows with One UPDATE Statement in SQL Server

Inserting Multiple Rows with One INSERT Statement in SQL Server

Using INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE Statements in SQL Server

⇑⇑ SQL Server Database Tutorials

2016-11-02, 1486🔥, 0💬