Running Queries with SQL Server Management Studio Express in SQL Server


How to run Queries with SQL Server Management Studio Express in SQL Server?



1. Launch and connect SQL Server Management Studio Express to the local SQL Server 2005 Express.

2. Click on the "New Query" button below the menu line. Enter the following SQL statement in the query window:

SELECT 'Welcome to SQL Server!'

3. Click the Execute button in the toolbar area. You should get the following in the result window:

Welcome to SQL Server!

See the following picture to know where the query and result windows are:

SQL Server 2005 Management Studio Express
SQL Server 2005 Management Studio Express


Running Queries with 'sqlcmd' Tool in SQL Server

Connecting SQL Server Management Studio Express To a SQL Server in SQL Server

Downloading and Installing SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

⇑⇑ SQL Server Database Tutorials

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