Getting Started with Transact-SQL Statements in SQL Server
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions on Getting Started with Transact-SQL Statements in SQL Server?
Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by DBA team on Getting Started with Transact-SQL Statements in SQL Server. Clear examples are provided for running CREATE TABLE, INSERT, UPDATE, DELTE, SELECT, CREATE USER, GRANT EXECUTE statements.
"CREATE DATABASE" Statement - Creating New Databases in SQL Server
"CREATE TABLE" Statement - Creating New Tables in SQL Server
"INSERT" and "UPDATE" Statements - Inserting and Updating Data In Tables in SQL Server
"SELECT" Statements - Reading the Data In a Table in SQL Server
"CREATE LOGIN" Statements - Creating a Login in SQL Server
"CREATE USER" Statements - Creating a User in SQL Server
"CREATE VIEW/PROCEDURE" Statements - Creating a View and a Stored Procedure in SQL Server
"GRANT EXECUTE" Statements - Granting EXECUTE permission in SQL Server
To learn more details on Transact-SQL language, see SQL Server Transact-SQL Tutorials
⇒ "CREATE DATABASE" Statement - Creating New Databases in SQL Server
⇐ Adding Address Records into AdventureWorksLT in SQL Server
2016-12-02, 1744🔥, 0💬
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