"CREATE LOGIN" - Creating a New Login Name in SQL Server
How To Create a New Login Name in SQL Server in SQL Server?
In previous tutorials, it is assumed that you use the "sa" (System Administrator) login name to connect to your SQL Server. But that is not what a normal developer uses to connect to the server, since "sa" has the ALL permissions granted. You need to create new login names and grant less permissions to them, and give them to developers.
To create a new login name, you can use the "CREATE LOGIN" statement in a simple syntax like this:
CREATE LOGIN login_name WITH PASSWORD = 'password'
To run "CREATE LOGIN" statement, you need to connect to the server with a privileged login name like "sa". See the tutorial example below:
-- Login with 'sa' -- Create new login names CREATE LOGIN FYI_DBA WITH PASSWORD = 'ABD_IYF' GO Command(s) completed successfully. CREATE LOGIN Fyi_Login WITH PASSWORD = 'IYF' GO
⇒ Verifying a Login Name with SQLCMD Tool in SQL Server
⇐ User_Name() - Database Level Security Principal of Your Session in SQL Server
2016-10-20, 1558🔥, 0💬
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